Thursday, June 14, 2012


I went to a relatives house yesterday and it was a nice visit, and I used the toilet and the water in the tank would not refill and I asked if I had to do something and my relative said no, that the apartment building had run out of water and they were waiting for tankers to come.  He said that the bores that were dug for the apartment building had run dry.

This is in a relative new development with new developments being build all around them.  I mean tens of thousands of new apartments coming all around them and with no water, oh my god.  If they have a shortage of water now, what will happen 5 years from now or 10 years from now.  It is unbelievable that the government authorities allow this construction to happen.

When we were leaving my relatives house, the water started coming and all around I was people in different apartments filling buckets with water.  Everyone was acting like this is a normal event and being Indian I guess everyone was adjusting.

This is the reason that India will NEVER improve.  The super rich will keep buying tankers of waters and get there share.  The middle class and poor are the ones left to suffer.

Sometimes I feel India is great because it seems wonderful in a superficial sense, but then when I visit a middle class family you see the raw reality.  India is still a shitty place to live for most people and that is why everyone still wants to emigrate to USA.

When you travel in only certain circles, the reality you see is so much different from the real truth.

I would hate to be poor or middle class in India.