Saturday, June 29, 2013

Kumo Watching Over His Little Sister

After we brought Priya home from India, Kumo has gotten a little bummed.  he keeps going into the laundry room and hiding there until we call for him.

I think Kumo has a case of big J.  He was used to all the attention for so long and now he has to share it with Priya.

Here is the boy watching over his little sister:

Here is a Video of Priya Rolling over for the first time on June 29, 2013:

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Weight Gain

I was in India for about 2 months and we used to go out almost everyday.

I know I gained weight but I did not realize how much.

I was in India for 60 days and I actually gained 25 pounds.  Simply crazy.

OK, enough is enough.  Every waking moment, everyday has to be about losing weight and getting back to being healthy.

The IT market is slow anyway, we are shutting down training and placements for the rest of the year, so I have no excuse anymore.

I have time, so I really need to about losing weight for the rest of the year.

I feel so embarrassed that I gained so much weight.  I wanted to lose weight after my daughter was born and I went the opposite way.  I am in DC this weekend and as soon as we get back to Detroit, the only mission for the rest of 2013 is to lose weight.

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Should I?

I was thinking of trying for one more baby in December onwards.  This way if we are successful, Priya will be around 2 and it would seem like a good time to have another kid.

I am very worried about the health of the baby, especially at my age.

Can you imagine if we have twins at my age.

I will think about it, but it seems like a bad idea, once you weigh all the pros and cons.

Passport and Pictures

Today I finally got the American Passport for Priya and we will be going to the FRRO office to get the exit permit tomorrow.  I understand that it takes 7-10 days, so it looks like we will be back within 2 weeks to Detroit.

Here a few pictures we took today with Priya:

Here is Priya riding me like a horse

Here is a picture of Priya sitting and chilling

We seem to be using her like a doll and dressing her up and playing with her.  It looks like we get to be like children again and play with a doll.