Monday, June 4, 2012

The Best

I have this compulsion of having the best teachers, of having the best facilities for my students, of having the best guest houses, of simply being the best in my field of business.

But then I am this huge failure over what is probably the most important element of my life.  I am this fat slob that has been unable to take care of his health and body. 

I have said the right things, and know what has to be done.  I have a great understanding of the health process and I know exactly how my body is going to fall apart slowly over the years.

I think that this summer is my last summer to try and get healthy or I will have to do a the gastric bypass surgery.  I have failed over and over and to expect a different result is idiocy. 

I have a meeting tomorrow with the doctors over the gastric bypass tomorrow at 4PM and I will hear about what they have to offer and finally take the plunge and have surgery.