Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Latest Medical Info

Got a call today from Dr Kal and he said that he had a consult with Dr. Malouf and they apparently found foreign bodies in all ten pieces of the biopsies that they did. Now they do not think that it is Sarcoidosis that I have. We have to wait for more time for the lab to give us a more definitive answer to what I have.

We thought that they would start me on Prednisolone this week, but we have to wait for a more definite answer now.

Dr Kal said that Dr. Malouf was asked to ask me if I ingested any laced drugs. I laughed. I told you guys before I would consider myself pretty boring as far as lifestyle.

OK, for the doctors out there that think that may know what I have here is the history of what I have again with symptoms and time frame.

Went to Silver Sands MI on vacation and the only hotel that had room was this very low middle class hotel. Got 2 rooms, one for my wife and I and another for Neeta's aunt and uncle. We had come to go on the sand dunes for the sunset ride. So we had a few hours and we all decided to sleep for a few hours. I went into the room and the room had this big floor AC. I leaned down and faced the AC and turned it on, and the blower started immediately and blew into my face.

By evening we went on this sunset dune ride and it was very nice, but by the end of it, I was starting to get cold and had even turned on the heat in the car. I am not sure if I got a mosquito bite or not on that ride, but I cannot swear that I did not get a bite, so we have to assume that I may have been bitten by a mosquito also.

Got back to the hotel, took a shower and we went out to dinner. I was already cold by this time and was literally shaking. Ate a little bit of the crappy food we were served and went back to the hotel room.

I turned the heat on in the room on the same AC unit to full blast and went to bed. Woke up the next morning felt better somewhat from the night before and we drove home.

Within a few days I started coughing.


The cough is:

Shallow, sometimes very deep, no sputum or any other productive elements from the cough. The cough does not exist when I sleep and I do get a good nights sleep.

The cough is controlled by Advir a little bit. I used to cough a lot more, but after I started taking Advir, the cough has definitely reduced. It has not disappeared, but has become a lot better. When you add the Tussionex Pearls to the Advir, the cough is even better controlled.


I started getting a fever by evening each day, very light fever. I would go to work, and come home by 4 PM and I would have a fever and then I would sleep for a few hours and by the time I woke up, the fever would be gone.


I used to work from 7AM to Midnight without any energy issues or feeling tired before I got sick but now that I have this disease I am tired. I wake up at 9AM, walk the dog, sit down and answer emails and phone calls and get to work by Noon. Work for 4 hours and then come home and I am tired. I usually come home and sleep for a few hours. Then I will wake up, answer emails and phone calls, watch a little TV and then get to bed by 9 or 10 PM. I will sleep for at least 10-12 hours and the cycle repeats itself.

Weight Loss:

I lost a lot more weight initially before the cough was controlled. But the weight loss is still continuing, but slower. Over the last 4 months I have lost about 40 pounds. I am currently at 246.

Biopsy Results so far:

All ten pieces of the Biopsy of the lymph nodes have shown foreign bodies. Most of the mediastinal lymph nodes are enlarged a lot.

OK, so that is where we are at. Not sure what I have, but the doctors seem to be curious as to what I have and hopefully we can arrive at a solution soon.