Monday, July 2, 2012

Walking Again

I am walking 5 miles a day again and I want to get that back up to 10 miles a day from today.  We will see how it goes.  (I am walking 10 miles a day now, and I feel stronger everyday that I do it)

I really want to push this to 10-20 miles a day, but the only problem with all this is that, it is damn boring to walking so much.  Forget the heat and listening to songs or NPR while I am walking, it is just too boring to walk for so much time everyday.

I have to constantly keep thinking and that get tedious very fast.  How do I battle the boredom.

I actually enjoy walking and watching a movie when I am at home in my gym.  But then I feel like it is much more effective to walk outside then in the gym in my house.

We will see.  My right ankle is swollen and feels very painful when I start walking but after about 1/2 mile it becomes numb and I do not feel the pain.

Since I have started walking 10 miles a day, I feel starved and am super hungry which I guess is a good thing.