Wednesday, December 3, 2014

28 and 22 Year Old

There is this 28 year old from my past that wants to marry me and I told her no way.  I even had a 22 year old tell me that I was not to old and that she could see her herself with an older man.  I just smiled, it is cute to think about it, but no way. 

Now that I am much older and do not even know how to handle a 28 year old's energy, much less a 22 year old, I am getting offers.  Life is so unfair. 

So let us get this straight.  I would not make a good husband.  I have a million other things going on.  You would come way too low on my schedule to be happy.  I am trying to free up my schedule so that I have more time for my daughter.

 I will give you the same advice that I would to my daughter.  Find someone near you own age or possibly even younger and in super good health.  It almost does not matter what he does for a living as long as he is smart.

At worst send him to me and I will train him for a $100,000 job and have him working in 6 months in a good IT job.