Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Mom and Her Picture

My mom has been calling and talking to everybody about sending the latest pictures of me after all that weight loss.

This is from today, so you do not have to call anybody else.

Presenting the latest pictures of Vijay: (Current Weight as of today 244.3)

I actually need to be careful now. The appetite has come back with a vengeance. It was crazy how much I ate on Sunday. On Sunday I had 9 Idli, 3 bowls of Bisibelibath, 1 bowl of Upma, 1 Quarter Pounder, 2 Puri and about 5-6 pieces of Fish 65. Crazy huh! When I was sick I would have eaten 3 Idli and that would have been it. I think I have to start working out now so that I can continue with the weight loss.