Sunday, September 16, 2012


I was trying to think about what my ultimate purpose in life is.  Why am in here?

I think it is help people.

I do not really expect much for me and in fact I would say that I have been given too much already.

I gave my sister a $24,000 car for $13,000 and then spent another $2000 getting fixed so that it is perfect.  I did that because I knew I was helping her.

I gave others tens of thousands of dollars, not because I want something from them, but I felt I needed to help them and they were too proud to ask.

I have about 50-70 employees that work for me now and I live by a simple code.  My job is to help them.  I help them with education, financially and if they need it, emotionally.  I will continue to have high expenses in our company, because my job is to help my employees and not simply to make money.

I run my business so passionately not to make money, but because I want to help people to get jobs and I love to educate them and I think a by product of that is that I make money. 

I was being yelled at recently for giving so much money away.  I thought about this, did I really do something wrong?

Maybe, maybe not, but you know what, that is who I am.  I have always seen peoples hardships around me and tried to help as much as I can.   Maybe I could have another $50,000 or $100,000 in the bank this year, if I did not help, but so what, how will that change my life.  It will not.

This is the same reason that when I go out to eat and a bill is say $50, I will leave a $20 tip.  Even when the bill is $20 I tend to leave a $20 tip, not to show off, but I feel like that $20 means more to the waitress then to me and I hope that this will be a small way to help out.

Last month I had enough money to buy the Bentley that I wanted, but Vasant called me and wanted me to send $13,500 to some girl in USA that needed to pay her college fees.  He said that he could not pay me back for 2-3 months.  He did not even have to say that.  Vasant has helped me enough in life, that I would have just given him the money and he can pay me back when he wants or not pay it back, it does not matter.  I will not ask nor will I think about it again.

I think I have to be who I am and live my life by my code.  I am not sure why I have a need to help people, but I feel a sincere need to help people that I know need help.

Money does not matter much to me and if I have $100 in my bank or I have $100,000 in my bank I will be happy.

A very rich person one day told me that the greatest pleasure they had was watching their bank account grow.  I sincerely hope I never ever become like that.

Everyone has their own way of thinking about things.  But I hope this will give you a small idea of how I think and how I live.  Even if I want to, I do not think that I can change, I am who I am.