Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Getting Old

You never realize the problems of getting older until you get to that point.  Here are some of the changes that have happened to me.

I never took care of my diabetes very well when I was younger and I used to have a blood sugar A1C of around 10-11.  My last reading was 6.4

But not taking care of those issues has caused me problems.  In case you get diabetes you should take it seriously and take extra ordinary care of yourself.

Currently I lost 80% of vision in my right eye.  This is because diabetes causes blood vessels to form on your eye and then blood vessels disappear.  This causes your retina to move out of place.  This happened to me and then I had to have surgery and it was unabled to be moved back into place so I have now lost 80% of.vision in that eye.

I get very tried by 6pm everyday and I take a nap from 6pm to 8pm. I never did this before so I guess this must be part of getting old.  

The biggest loss so far has been this loss of vision in my right eye.  The CML diagnosis also is not a big deal.  You just accept the fact that you die a few years earlier than you are supposed to.  

I see a friend in detroit who has an A1C of 9 or more and he is young and does not take his diabetes seriously just like me and I see how he will progress to issues just like I had.

I talked to him and explained how important it is to take care of blood sugar and hopefully he will change and not get problems like I have.