Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Donald Trump

 I see that a bunch of Indian friends are going to be voting for Trump and it still amazes me that they would vote for him.

Here are a few reasons not to vote for Trump

Demagoguery is defined as a manipulative approach — often associated with dictators and sleazy politicians — that appeals to the worst nature of people. Demagoguery isn’t based on reason, issues, and doing the right thing; it’s based on stirring up fear and hatred to control people. For example, a person who stirs up a fear of immigrants to distract from other issues is using demagoguery. Demagoguery is one of the most negative aspects of politics.

Misogyny is the hatred or dislike of women or girls. Misogyny can be manifested in numerous ways, including sexual discrimination. 

Xenophobia is a severe aversion to foreigners, strangers, their politics and cultures. Often the term xenophobia is used interchangeably with racism.

If given a chance he will deport every non-white skinned person he could.  Just listen to Steven Miller his advisor talk about foreigners. 

Indians are highly educated and intelligent but when I hear that you are voting for Trump it just tells me you are a dumb motherfucker.  I want to shake each one of you asking what the fuck is the matter with you.  

I just don't get it.  Is it simply tax policy so you can get some more money in your pocket.  What appeals you to this idiot that you would vote for him.  You would never allow him to babysit your daughters and yet you want him to be the president of the USA.  Crazy. 

Getting Old

You never realize the problems of getting older until you get to that point.  Here are some of the changes that have happened to me.

I never took care of my diabetes very well when I was younger and I used to have a blood sugar A1C of around 10-11.  My last reading was 6.4

But not taking care of those issues has caused me problems.  In case you get diabetes you should take it seriously and take extra ordinary care of yourself.

Currently I lost 80% of vision in my right eye.  This is because diabetes causes blood vessels to form on your eye and then blood vessels disappear.  This causes your retina to move out of place.  This happened to me and then I had to have surgery and it was unabled to be moved back into place so I have now lost 80% of.vision in that eye.

I get very tried by 6pm everyday and I take a nap from 6pm to 8pm. I never did this before so I guess this must be part of getting old.  

The biggest loss so far has been this loss of vision in my right eye.  The CML diagnosis also is not a big deal.  You just accept the fact that you die a few years earlier than you are supposed to.  

I see a friend in detroit who has an A1C of 9 or more and he is young and does not take his diabetes seriously just like me and I see how he will progress to issues just like I had.

I talked to him and explained how important it is to take care of blood sugar and hopefully he will change and not get problems like I have.  

City of Philadelphia

I ran an apartment complex during the last 2 summers and I never realized how many rules need to be followed in City of Philadelphia.

I am unsure if all large cities have so many rules as City of Philadelphia.  But the costs to own an apartment complex in Philadelphia is crazy.  Yearly sprinkler Inspections that cost tens of thousands of dollars.  Yearly backflow flow testing.  Yearly fire inspection.  Yearly renewal of rental licenses for each individual apartment.  

I have been to MSB (Muncipal Service Building) so many times to resolve issues.  The staff is amazingly helpful at MSB.  But I never realized that so many rules had to be followed by multifamily complex owners.  I salute all the owners that fallow all the rules in these major cities.  I never realized how much work is involved.  

I am not sure if this is a Big City thing.  I cannot imagine that small cities also follow all these regulations.

Sage Creek Townhomes

We are working on a project in Denton TX and building 163 townhomes.  

The approval process took us 2 years from the city.  

People are always complaining about the cost of housing and based on our experience of getting the approvals from the city, there is zero chance for housing costs to reduce.  

For a 35 million dollar project we spent $600,000 just to get the city approval to build the project. 

Then there is so much unnecessary regulations that need to be followed that costs millions in additional costs.

The only way housing costs will fall is if we get a major recession. I just do not see any other way.

If any of trump policies are implemented I expect a major recession which will eventually cause housing prices to fall below replacement value since there will be so many foreclosures.

Tariffs will cause an increase in material prices

Deportations will cause a major increase in labor costs

National debt is getting close to a tipping point where we will be at a point of no return.  Major inflation will also cause costs to spiral out of control.  

I keep trying to think of policies that can decrease housing costs and the only way is to:

Reduce regulation - Highly unlikely

Reduce tariffs - Seems unlikely

Reduce national debt - Seems unlikely

Recession - Seems like a posability

I will start making videos of the entire process of building from land clearing to vertical construction. So hopefully others can learn from our experience.  

Card game rules

I hear rules are going to be introduced into the card game before it continues again.

Here are rules I suggest 

1) Do not give advice if someone should play or drop a hand

2) No advice on what cards to discard

3) No observing more than 1 persons hand

4) All settlements done same day as game day and no more accounts maintained.  

5) No one else can take your cards and play for you.

These are the exact same rules as Dallas group.  So I suggest same rules for Novi game.

Sunday, October 13, 2024

Rummy Game Dead in Novi

We used to play rummy when I was in Michigan almost everyday.  But the group was composed of mostly multi-millionaires and one billionaire.  Of course there was a limited number of average people also.  What used to happen in that game was that the billionaire lost most of the time so there was never a reason for the game to break up.

But I think the game in Michigan is officially broken.  All because one players inability to improve.  We have a player, D****, who plays and has lost a lot over the last one year.  

Rummy is an interesting game.  Easy to learn but takes a lifetime to master.  The thin line between winning and losing is very small.

I was there 2 weeks ago and won a lot and I was there last week and won a lot again.

But I realized this game was going to break up because of D****.  He plays way too many games and does not follow simple rules and he is just an average person and losing that amount is a big deal for him.

I offered to pay for his losses if he followed a set of rules I established.   Here is what I sent him:

I will pay for your losses today if you follow these rules

No playing single life games

Minimum to play is life with triplet or a joker with minimum 2 good life pair chances

2 triplet games ok to play if 2 or 3 card shows. If giving count on 2 triplet games stop playing those hands

That's it.  

In 2 deck games play very tight as far as discards. In 3 deck games it does not matter

After I sent the above he comes back to me and says that those rules work for others and not for him.  At that mmoment I realized he will never improve as a player and continue to lose.  The rules I established above are the basic rules to follow so you can win.  

Anyway we have one player that has been winning consistently for last one days named S*****.  Not that he is great player but just that he is running hot.  Incredibly hot.  I will give one game as an example.  He had a triplet and a joker.  He had QK of clubs and A2 of hearts K's triplet and two 44.  First card he gets was a 4 of hearts.  So he has two triplets and joker.  What he did not know was that I dropped and I had A and J of clubs.  So his chance for life was literally the 3 of hearts.  Next card he gets 3 of hearts.  12 made.  I figured ok.  His chance to show if very little because thr JA of clubs is gone so he has two 10 of clubs and the last 4 of hearts. Boom he gets 4 of hearts.  Show.

That is how hot he was running and has been running.  So today K********* sent out a message saying for S***** not to come to the game anymore because he has been winning.  Not accusing him of any wrong doing but simply that he is running to hot and winning.  But the real problem is D**** and his inability to improve.

Anyway I think the game in Michigan is dead all because of a bad player and his inability to improve his game.