Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Donald Trump

 I see that a bunch of Indian friends are going to be voting for Trump and it still amazes me that they would vote for him.

Here are a few reasons not to vote for Trump

Demagoguery is defined as a manipulative approach — often associated with dictators and sleazy politicians — that appeals to the worst nature of people. Demagoguery isn’t based on reason, issues, and doing the right thing; it’s based on stirring up fear and hatred to control people. For example, a person who stirs up a fear of immigrants to distract from other issues is using demagoguery. Demagoguery is one of the most negative aspects of politics.

Misogyny is the hatred or dislike of women or girls. Misogyny can be manifested in numerous ways, including sexual discrimination. 

Xenophobia is a severe aversion to foreigners, strangers, their politics and cultures. Often the term xenophobia is used interchangeably with racism.

If given a chance he will deport every non-white skinned person he could.  Just listen to Steven Miller his advisor talk about foreigners. 

Indians are highly educated and intelligent but when I hear that you are voting for Trump it just tells me you are a dumb motherfucker.  I want to shake each one of you asking what the fuck is the matter with you.  

I just don't get it.  Is it simply tax policy so you can get some more money in your pocket.  What appeals you to this idiot that you would vote for him.  You would never allow him to babysit your daughters and yet you want him to be the president of the USA.  Crazy. 

Getting Old

You never realize the problems of getting older until you get to that point.  Here are some of the changes that have happened to me.

I never took care of my diabetes very well when I was younger and I used to have a blood sugar A1C of around 10-11.  My last reading was 6.4

But not taking care of those issues has caused me problems.  In case you get diabetes you should take it seriously and take extra ordinary care of yourself.

Currently I lost 80% of vision in my right eye.  This is because diabetes causes blood vessels to form on your eye and then blood vessels disappear.  This causes your retina to move out of place.  This happened to me and then I had to have surgery and it was unabled to be moved back into place so I have now lost 80% of.vision in that eye.

I get very tried by 6pm everyday and I take a nap from 6pm to 8pm. I never did this before so I guess this must be part of getting old.  

The biggest loss so far has been this loss of vision in my right eye.  The CML diagnosis also is not a big deal.  You just accept the fact that you die a few years earlier than you are supposed to.  

I see a friend in detroit who has an A1C of 9 or more and he is young and does not take his diabetes seriously just like me and I see how he will progress to issues just like I had.

I talked to him and explained how important it is to take care of blood sugar and hopefully he will change and not get problems like I have.  

City of Philadelphia

I ran an apartment complex during the last 2 summers and I never realized how many rules need to be followed in City of Philadelphia.

I am unsure if all large cities have so many rules as City of Philadelphia.  But the costs to own an apartment complex in Philadelphia is crazy.  Yearly sprinkler Inspections that cost tens of thousands of dollars.  Yearly backflow flow testing.  Yearly fire inspection.  Yearly renewal of rental licenses for each individual apartment.  

I have been to MSB (Muncipal Service Building) so many times to resolve issues.  The staff is amazingly helpful at MSB.  But I never realized that so many rules had to be followed by multifamily complex owners.  I salute all the owners that fallow all the rules in these major cities.  I never realized how much work is involved.  

I am not sure if this is a Big City thing.  I cannot imagine that small cities also follow all these regulations.

Sage Creek Townhomes

We are working on a project in Denton TX and building 163 townhomes.  

The approval process took us 2 years from the city.  

People are always complaining about the cost of housing and based on our experience of getting the approvals from the city, there is zero chance for housing costs to reduce.  

For a 35 million dollar project we spent $600,000 just to get the city approval to build the project. 

Then there is so much unnecessary regulations that need to be followed that costs millions in additional costs.

The only way housing costs will fall is if we get a major recession. I just do not see any other way.

If any of trump policies are implemented I expect a major recession which will eventually cause housing prices to fall below replacement value since there will be so many foreclosures.

Tariffs will cause an increase in material prices

Deportations will cause a major increase in labor costs

National debt is getting close to a tipping point where we will be at a point of no return.  Major inflation will also cause costs to spiral out of control.  

I keep trying to think of policies that can decrease housing costs and the only way is to:

Reduce regulation - Highly unlikely

Reduce tariffs - Seems unlikely

Reduce national debt - Seems unlikely

Recession - Seems like a posability

I will start making videos of the entire process of building from land clearing to vertical construction. So hopefully others can learn from our experience.  

Card game rules

I hear rules are going to be introduced into the card game before it continues again.

Here are rules I suggest 

1) Do not give advice if someone should play or drop a hand

2) No advice on what cards to discard

3) No observing more than 1 persons hand

4) All settlements done same day as game day and no more accounts maintained.  

5) No one else can take your cards and play for you.

These are the exact same rules as Dallas group.  So I suggest same rules for Novi game.

Sunday, October 13, 2024

Rummy Game Dead in Novi

We used to play rummy when I was in Michigan almost everyday.  But the group was composed of mostly multi-millionaires and one billionaire.  Of course there was a limited number of average people also.  What used to happen in that game was that the billionaire lost most of the time so there was never a reason for the game to break up.

But I think the game in Michigan is officially broken.  All because one players inability to improve.  We have a player, D****, who plays and has lost a lot over the last one year.  

Rummy is an interesting game.  Easy to learn but takes a lifetime to master.  The thin line between winning and losing is very small.

I was there 2 weeks ago and won a lot and I was there last week and won a lot again.

But I realized this game was going to break up because of D****.  He plays way too many games and does not follow simple rules and he is just an average person and losing that amount is a big deal for him.

I offered to pay for his losses if he followed a set of rules I established.   Here is what I sent him:

I will pay for your losses today if you follow these rules

No playing single life games

Minimum to play is life with triplet or a joker with minimum 2 good life pair chances

2 triplet games ok to play if 2 or 3 card shows. If giving count on 2 triplet games stop playing those hands

That's it.  

In 2 deck games play very tight as far as discards. In 3 deck games it does not matter

After I sent the above he comes back to me and says that those rules work for others and not for him.  At that mmoment I realized he will never improve as a player and continue to lose.  The rules I established above are the basic rules to follow so you can win.  

Anyway we have one player that has been winning consistently for last one days named S*****.  Not that he is great player but just that he is running hot.  Incredibly hot.  I will give one game as an example.  He had a triplet and a joker.  He had QK of clubs and A2 of hearts K's triplet and two 44.  First card he gets was a 4 of hearts.  So he has two triplets and joker.  What he did not know was that I dropped and I had A and J of clubs.  So his chance for life was literally the 3 of hearts.  Next card he gets 3 of hearts.  12 made.  I figured ok.  His chance to show if very little because thr JA of clubs is gone so he has two 10 of clubs and the last 4 of hearts. Boom he gets 4 of hearts.  Show.

That is how hot he was running and has been running.  So today K********* sent out a message saying for S***** not to come to the game anymore because he has been winning.  Not accusing him of any wrong doing but simply that he is running to hot and winning.  But the real problem is D**** and his inability to improve.

Anyway I think the game in Michigan is dead all because of a bad player and his inability to improve his game.  

Saturday, April 8, 2023

Good CLL

Apparently I have the good CLL.  I have chromosome 13 abnormality.  Apparently this is the best version to have. I have a life expectancy of 10 to 15 years.  

Initially they were saying 5 to 10 years.  So I guess getting another 5 to 10 years is a good thing.  

Recently I have been getting these dark marks on my face that a lot my relatives have.  So I was wondering if this is a genetic thing that nobody has realized.  

Saturday, December 17, 2022

Lack of Energy

 One of the symptoms of my cancer is that I sleep a lot.  Probably around 12 to 15 hours a day.

If you know me you know that I usually never get tired and I used to sleep maybe 6 hours a day at most for years and years.

Sleeping now so much is really annoying.  

Not sure if the body is shutting down and trying to protect itself or the body knows it is dying and shutting down. 

I read somewhere you know when you are going to die.  Your body will tell you.  

For someone like me this symptom is very annoying and being tired all the time sucks.

Cancer and Dying

I got diagnosed with CLL a type of leukemia.  From what I have read lifespan is anywhere from 2 years to 10 years from diagnosis.  

Humm.  When the doctor told me I was pretty casual and I think the doctor was expecting a much bigger reaction from me.  

But from what I see when you have a finite lifespan I have much less to worry about than someone that is going to live for another 20 or 30 years.  

I am very tired nowadays I am guessing it is a side effect of the cancer.  I sleep at least 12 hours a day. 

I think I will have more to say later about getting cancer.  

Tuesday, July 6, 2021

Srinivas Nimmagadda

Most of us do everything we can for our kids.  In fact I would say they become a priority once we have kids and all other priorities drop to the sidelines.  

Once day Srinivas came to my office because he owed me money from our card game and on a laptop he opened up Google Maps and was showing me a bunch of lands that he had bought in India, he was bragging.  I did not care and I just said great and never thought about it again.

But now that Srinivas Nimagadda and his wife are getting divorced he has been saying he has no money for the kids.  I do not care that he is getting a divorce, but your kids have to be a priority.

All the land and stuff you bought should be for the benefit of your kids and no other priority should even matter.  No new wife, no girlfriend, nothing should matter more than your kids.  Sell the land in India put aside enough to take care of your kids until these finish college.  

He has some good friends, Prasad Chukkapalli, Naveen Yerneni, and others.  Why the hell are you not advising him to take care of his kids first.  All you people have kids.  You people need to talk some sense into Srinivas and tell him to take care of kids during these divorce proceedings.  

People fall in and out of love and divorce happens but that should not effect your love and responsibility for your kids.


 We play cards among our friends for relatively high stakes.  The richest person in that group is a person we play with by the name of Krishna Prasad Katragadda (We all call him KP).  

When we play at those stakes there has to be a sense of fair play.  But KP will constantly give his game for other people that are good to play his hand, as an example he will give it to Naveen Yerneni.  Now Naveen has already seen his 13 cards so he knows what those 13 cards are and he can play KP hand accordingly.  To me, this is nothing more than CHEATING.  Every time I see this shit happen my blood boils.  It is out right cheating, but nobody says anything to KP because they all figure they might benefit from him somehow.

But wrong is wrong.  KP what you are doing is CHEATING, CHEATING, CHEATING.  

There is no way KP would ever win against me without CHEATING like this.  He does this nonsense all the time.  Once in a while would be OK, but doing it all the time is just plain fucked up.

Sometime I wonder what the hell goes on in KP's mind.  This is a sport and you need to play by the rules and win or lose accordingly.  Keep improving if you lose and see what you did wrong and try to improve.  Just because you are rich and nobody will say anything to you does not give you the right to CHEAT.

Because of all the stuff that he has been doing I have stopping playing with him and he is playing with what I call the dollar batch.  They play a dollar a point.  Let him play for small stakes and he can cheat all he wants, I do not care.

But if you are going to play with me, then play fair and make it an honest game.  By the way there is zero percentage chance you can ever beat me.  ZERO.  You suck as a player and never learn from your mistakes.  

Wednesday, June 30, 2021

Dallas Bound

 I am thinking of moving to a warmer client.  My daughter keeps getting runny nose the entirety of the winter in Michigan and I think a move to Dallas will solve this problem for her.  She never has a runny nose during warm weather here in Michigan.

The doctor claims she has cold weather rhinitis.  

Still debating on the move, but as we get closer to cold weather I will need to make a decision.

But I think a move to Dallas makes sense.

Keeping Kids Busy

I hang out with a lot of college kids and guess what, they do not listen.  I used to tell about all the times where I had failed and what I would have done different.  I thought being honest and truthful would inspire the kids and make sure that they do not make the same mistakes as I did.  Guess what?

Kids, do not listen, at least the ones I hang with.  Or they selectively listen and only hear what they want to hear.

I think the best way to make sure kids do not mess up is to keep them super busy with activities and do not give them any free time where they can mess up.

I do that with my daughter and I keep her busy all day, even during the summer.

My daughters current schedule is:

M-F Summer Sports camp 9am - 3pm
M evenings horse camp
Tuesday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday - 1.5 hours of personal trainer sessions to work on general fitness and agility,
Tuesday and Thursday 4pm - 6pm - Tutor - to make sure she keeps learning
This leaves Wednesday Evenings free and Saturday and Sunday free most of the day.  

I am thinking of adding 2 sports trainings during the weekend so that she will be occupied half of the day.

I plan on keeping her busy like this until she gets to college.

A busy kid is a kid that cannot get in trouble.

Saturday, June 26, 2021

Why Having Too Money Can Make You A Shitty Dad

I have known 3 billionaire families in my life and almost all of them have the exact same issues.

My friend Srinu in India and his family have huge money and are also Billionaires.  Last time we calculated their net worth, it was around 250,000,000 and that was in 1995.  We filled in an application to get the McDonalds franchise to India and own all McDonalds in India.  During that time I was given access to their accountant and I filled in their application myself.  That 250,000,000 dollars in 1995 has now turned into billions. 

But his dad was so busy with business he never bothered to raise his son and instead would give lectures to him once in a while under the guise of parenting.  So what did his dad get by being a bad parent.  I know Srinu is a heavy drug user and last time I told him what he was doing was wrong, he told me that he cannot even sleep without taking drugs and he does not think he can stop now.  

I see the exact same thing repeating with my rich friend.  He is awesome at making money, but in my opinion a shitty dad.  Instead of supervising his kids himself, he will hire someone.  Two of the kids are crazy smart and got perfect scores on their ACT.  But they are also super lazy and their grade point average was below par and both kids got into subpar colleges for their level of intelligence.

Their dad will yell at the mom or he will blame Deepu who was hired to make sure that they do their work and submit it.  He will never take blame himself.

But who cares if he makes the family another 10 millions dollars.  There is nothing more important than your kids.  You need to look after them.  You need to vacation as a family with them.  You need to supervise their work.  You need to do the work and not just hire and pay people to do work for you.  Their is no better role model and teacher than you.

I blame the kids inability to get into an Ivy league as a failure of the dad.  He needs to have taken the time and done the work that was necessary for the kids to succeed.  

Kids Please Think

I have a lot of friends that are college bound and I play poker with them.  I have told them multiple times that their success will reflect on their family and their mom and dad more directly.  

I am not sure at their age that they reflect on my advice and take it to heart.  I am sure that are more worried about themselves and their fun.  

But I want you kids to reflect and excel at work and in education and not do anything bad because everything reflects on your family.

You get arrested for DUI or drug possession or generally any behavior that is frowned upon all reflect on your family.  

So no matter what you are about to do think about your family and how it will effect their reputation.  Most if not all have an excellent name in the community and it is your duty to make sure they do not have to bow their head in shame for any reason.

Most of you kids are about to go off on your own and will not have much supervision, but remember every action you make could effect your families reputation.  People are just waiting for you to fuck up, so they can talk badly about your family.  

Kiran, someone I Admire

Sometimes I wonder if you have unlimited money what you would do?

I mentioned before that I have a friend who I believe is a billionaire.  We have traveled to Hawaii and he barely left his room.  He used to travel a lot and have a lot of fun.  He used to go to Vegas and have fun.  He used to go to India and have fun.

But for all that money he has, I do not envy him.  But I do envy Kiran Basani.

I have a friend, Kiran Basani, who I admire very much.  His is rich, but knows how to enjoy his money.

He travels with his kids to India for 3 months every year during the summer.

He travels with his friends and family on 3 vacations a year minimum.  His vacations are always super nice and my mom loves to see his Facebook posts because he has such great pictures of activities that he does.

His kids are super but I think all that credit goes to his wife.  Both are so well behaved and great students.  They do not vape or do Clear.  There is a great deal of credit in this time and age that his kids do not vape or do clear, because I would say 90% of all the other kids I know do that.

Kiran wife is a great cook.  We will go to his house for dinner and his wife will make like 10 dishes on her own and not get is catered.  

If Kiran says he will do something he will do it.  He is a man of his word.

Weird Rich People

It has been a long time since I had an entry and I thought I would restart my blog again.  I have a friend that is crazy rich most likely even a billionaire or at a minimum worth hundreds of millions.

Let us get it out there that he has helped me a lot and I mean a lot.  He used to be very different a few years ago but has changed a lot over the last few years.  He used to do a lot of charity work and spend a ton on time and money trying to do good for the world.  But most o those activities failed and after multiple failures he has stopped trying now.

The weird thing about having money is that it allows you to be an asshole and people will not say anything to your face.  You can also not give a shit about what people say because there will always be others to try and be nice to you.  People are always there ready to be obsequious to you, thinking that they may benefit somehow.

Money should be used to bring comfort, happiness and safety to those around you.  It should not be used a cudgel.   

Let us get back to my friend, until a few years ago I used to see people talking very respectfully about him but after how he has been acting over the last few years that respect is gone among some of his friends.

We play cards for $5 dollars a point so you may win or lose a thousand or maybe on a super bad day maybe two thousand.  Every single person in the group we play with pays their losses instantly or maybe after a day.  It never goes longer than that.

This rich person lost 4500 over 3 days during the weekend and he did not pay.  I have texted him, Murli has texted him and he has not responded.  All the others who have lost have paid.  

Now people are saying things like, wadu only sulu kaburulu chepathadu (he only does useless talk, and it has no point, also wada at the beginning is used to show disrespect).    There is actually a lot more bad things people are saying about him.  I even texted him that people are saying these things about him.  He did not respond.

One of the persons that is owed money, called me and complained about him for 20 minutes.  After leading such a big life and having such a great name in the community how you can allow such talk about yourself.  I would be embarrassed to allow that type of talk.  The money is so small and inconsequential for him.

When you have billions or hundreds of millions, it is surprising that he does not pay his losses.  I am unsure what the hell he is thinking.  

But I have lost all respect for him after how he has been acting.  I used to jump when he calls and do any work that he needed or even his kids needed.  But I cannot do that for someone that I do not respect any more.

I have decided that I do not respect him any longer and will not deal with him anymore.  I am done.

Friday, June 30, 2017

PEMA Wellness - My Experience

About the only real problem I have had most of my life is being overweight.  I signed up for bariatric surgery and had paid for it, and been cleared for surgery.  So I was all set to go, but I had this persistent cough that would not go away, so I had to wait awhile until the cough cleared up.

Vasant, my roommate from India called and had been bugging me about coming to PEMA Wellness since he had been here and it is owned by his aunt.  I really blew him off and our families vacationed in Paris for 2 weeks and Vasant kept telling about PEMA Wellness and finally I made a decision to just leave everything and go.  I am booked to stay here 6 weeks.

I met a few other people and they stay here for 2 weeks and it looks like most guests stay for 1 to 2 weeks to tune their body back into shape. 

So here I am day 2 completed of PEMA Wellness and I wanted to share with you my experience so others can use this information to get healthier.

Here is PEMA Wellness website: http://www.pemawellness.co/Index/index

My first impressions:

It is beautiful.  They really went all out.  If I had money, this is the kind of place that I would build.  The details are just amazing.  They have a Koi Pond where some of the fish cost $50,000 per fish.  Really this place is just spectacular.  It sits on top of hill all by itself overlooking the ocean.

It is still under construction and I feel they made a mistake by using a cement finish on the structure, at least on the outside.  Even when it is fully finished it will look like it is under construction because of the finish.  I am sure the finish gives it a zero maintenance, but having a few colors on the outside would make this place just stand out and it would be even more beautiful.

First Day:

On the first day they weigh you and and give you a BMI and what an ideal BMI should be for your height.

Mine was 48 and I should be 24 and weighed: 142.85 Kilos or 314 Pounds.  I will keep everyone updated on what the loss is as I stay for 6 weeks on my first trip.  They do weigh you everyday, but I do not see much use in that since there will be a quick weight loss and then a plateau and then you will lose weight very slowly.  On day 2 there was a 1KG or 2.2 pound weightloss, but that could due to so many variations and do not take that as a true weight loss.  I think weekly assessments are just fine to judge the progress.

One more thing, every meal has been fantastic and even the service and presentation are top notch.  I am usually very critical on these type of things, but just excellent.  the CEO of Landmark and Lifestyle, Vipin Sethi, was here with his group for about 2 weeks and he must have traveled and  went to he best places and even his group was raving about the excellent food and the presentation.  They said during the 2 weeks there were here, not a single meal was repeated.

Above is Day 1 Lunch

One of the Juices, to the side is infused water.  Everyday is a new type of infused water.  Day 1 was apple and Cinnamon and Day 2 was Coriander Seeds.

Day 2 Lunch


Day 1 Dinner

Juice, usually given at 2pm.  I heard I am not getting anymore juices and they will switch me to fruit instead, since I am Diabetic

View from the Dining room.

I just got a 5am wake up call so I have to go now, but I will take more pictures and write more later today.  I also get a message that everybody wants to see the food picture along with the slip and I will start taking those pictures from now on.

Friday, October 16, 2015

Priya with Hero Krishna

Here is a picture of Priya with Hero Krishna and Vijayanirmalla:

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Priya Videos in India

Here is Priya Singing:

Priya at a Baseball Game:

Priya Cleaning Rice:

Priya Chilling and eating snacks:

Priya eating coconut chutney

Priya Massaging Grandma

Priya Sweeping

Priya Telling stories in her own language

Priya awake at 4am when she first went to India

Priya Intrigued by a snail in India

Priya being silly and crawling on the floor:

Priya in India Pictures

Priya is in India with my mom for 3 months.  Here are a few pictures of Priya in India:

Priya on the plane enjoying with her headphones on:

Priya with Shilpa at Domino's.  She hated Indian Pizza.  She loves Pizza in USA.

Priya in Mom's apartment complex swimming pool.  She goes everyday.

Priya and Tata relaxing

Priya showing off her Goruntaku

Priya with Peddakka

Priya with Mallipullu

Priya Loves Indian Food

Priya even got Goruntaku on her feet

Priya, shopping with Grandma

Thursday, May 14, 2015

Kumo Back in MI

I brought Kumo back to Michigan from DC and he was super sad for 2 days.

No tail wagging and he would just mope around the house like this sad little doggy.

Kumo had a big back yard in DC and lot so kids to play with.  I think he misses Anisha and his big back yard that he used to go and hang out in.

It has been a few weeks now and he is back to normal.  Although Priya keeps saying horsey and is trying to ride him.  Poor fellow, he keeps having to run away from her.

Yesterday Kumo was running away and licked her hand and Priya comes over to me and said Kumo Bite.  She said it a few times.  I saw what happened and he licked her hand.  She was trying to get sympathy from me.

Sunday, March 29, 2015

People to Avoid - Srinivas Nimmagadda

There is this person I know named Srinivas Nimmagadda and he has an office in the same office building as I do and owns a company called Vision IT.  I have explained in the past that you learn a lot about people when you play cards with them.  How they react to situations and how they play tells a lot about them.

In our group when someone loses at the end of the night they will write a check for a loss or take a check for a win.  There are two people in our group that simply hate to write a check and hate to give any money unless you bug them and ask them about 20-30 times.

Srinivas Nimmagadda is one of them.  He hates and I mean hates to write a check at the end of session, he will walk away and the rest of the group is nice and do not really say anything.  He will try and come the next time and win so that we can write off the loss with the win.  But even when he is down big he will not write a check and will avoid the issue.

I am usually the tough one in the group and will insist on payment after the game is over, even if it not owed to me.  It is just the right thing to do.

By the way on a side note, here a few rules to live by:

1) You are Never Never Never Ever Ever Ever going to change someone's nature.  Do not try.
2) You do not have to be the greatest card player in the world, you simply need to play in a group that has worst players then you.

Back to our story.  Why do I say there are a few people you need to avoid in life.  Last night I lost and I gave a check to the person that won.  There are a few other people that lost and as usual Kutambarao Raavi made adjustments and said that he will pay Balaji later (This is the other person that hates to write a check).  In the end Srinu won $800 and KP lost $845 and I told Srinu to collect it from KP.  KP will not pay Srinu because he says that when he won, Srinu never paid him.  He will keep it on account and adjust it like Srinu likes to do.

To make a long story short, Srinu like to yell and get loud and the rest of the group quiets down and backs away.  I have never been one to back away and Srinu started yelling at me.  Remember that I paid my loss already but it went to another player.  Srinu's nature is to never pay, but see his nature when he wins, he actually wants to collect.  He claims differently and says that he always pays, but obviously he has short and long term memory loss, because 95% of the time he has never paid a loss.

So he start yelling at me and starts to come at me to hit me and of course there is zero chance of me backing down and I had my car keys in hand and I made a fist and kept the long Escalade key in the hand protruding out, so in case I hit him, I could easily have punctured him.

I almost never get mad, but a jackass like this actually gets me to bring out the bad in me and I came home last night and realized that if so many people had not separated the two of us, I would have easily stabbed him with the key and probably caused a puncture wound with the likely outcome that this jackass would have caused me to go to jail.  The police do not see who is right or wrong, what they would see is the injury and arrested me for sure.

He is a big guy and I think he is used to people cowering and backing down because of his size.  I am sure he has almost never been in a real fight before.  But I am not one to back down from almost anything or anyone.

So I decided that I will not play with this jackass anymore and I will simply avoid this person, since he brings out this bad person in me and me going to jail is not a good thing.

I can deal with logical people, but there is no helping stupid people and I consider him extremely stupid and ill-mannered and there is no way to deal with stupid.  The best thing to do is to avoid stupid so that you do not get in trouble by having to deal with stupid.

Again I have been taught a lesson, if your instinct is not to trust someone, then walk away from that person.  DO NOT give him a second or third chance like I have done.

I do not trust Srinivas Nimmagadda so I will not talk to him, deal with him and have anything to do with him ever again.

By the way here is my reading of underlying personality of people based on how they play cards:

Naveen - Brilliant and will take advantage when there is a chance for it.
Srinu - Idiot, never learns from mistakes and will never change.DO NOT TRUST.
Prasad - Hard to read.  I am unsure on his character from his card play. 
Kiran - Not a risk taker at all and I think overall a very honest person.  I real good guy.
Gutta - In your face and honest.  Deals with risk very well and generally a risk taker.
Balaji - A politician.  Everytime he says something, it seems like a politician talking to me.  It is the answer I want to hear.
Murli - Honest, a little bit of a anger issue when he feels he has been wronged, but generally a very solid individual and can be trusted.
Anil - Good, but with a lack of ability to make quick decisions.  He evaluates risk very slowly and thoughtfully.  Works for life, but makes for an annoying player to play cards with.
Kutumbarao - Values money a lot.  Overall a good guy, but I would never do business with him.
Appa Rao - Very honest and very lucky.  Just a friendly and nice person.

Friday, February 13, 2015

Priya for 2015 Valentines:

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Priya Sitting on Sofa and Eating

Priya decided that she did not want to sit at the dining table and eat, she wanted to sit on the sofa and eat like daddy.  She also like to eat on her own and does not like being fed.  She is not a baby anymore, I guess.

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Priya at Daycare Video

Here is Priya at Daycare.  The first 3 weeks she used to cry when we dropped her and picked her up, but now she enjoys it.  Here she is picking up before Neeta picked her up:

Monday, February 9, 2015

Priya Videos - Feb 2015

My Dad, Mom, Ramakka love these videos.  So even if I am boring you others.  Here are some more Priya Videos.:

Priya Dancing at Rhea's Party - Part 1.  Rhea is Naveen's daughter and as usual Soumya throw an amazing party.  Naveen had 2 singers come from India and they made the party super fun.

Priya Dancing at Rhea's Party - Part 2

Priya Playing at Chuck E Cheese:

Priya Playing with Rubberbands:

Priya Wants to Change Trash Bag:

Priya Playing in Kitchen:

Mom went to a wedding in India and they had this guy there and she thought us Americans would enjoy this:

Mom went to Rajasthan and she wanted me to show this to Priya, so I thought you guys might enjoy this also:

Thursday, January 29, 2015

Pictures of Priya

Priya hanging out at Ramakka's house:

At Chuck E Cheese with her Cousins.  I used to take their cousins here also when they were little:

Mom, Dad and Granddad.  Granddad still rocking at 94:

Priya Chilling and watching the Superbowl with Dad: (Boo to NE, a bunch of cheaters, we were cheering for Seattle)

Priya in her Winter Clothes 1:

Priya in her Winter Clothes 2, with her Ugg's on, very stylish already.  Hopefully she will not follow into the materialistic mind state and want stuff.  I prefer she experience life and travel a lot.:

Priya at Chuck E Cheese:

My favorite actor's, Ravi Teja, wife and mother.

Temper Tantrum Stage 1.  She will start with a little crying:

Temper Tantrum Stage 2.  After Stage 1, she moves to Stage 2 and she falls on to the ground, crying and rolling around.  She is actually pretty good, she does this very rarely.  She is usually a very happy girl and a real joy to have around.  I know that it took tremendous efforts to have her, but I do not spoil her.  I do not want her to end up like a rich kid spoiled brat.:

Videos of Priya

Priya went to Cali to visit Neeta's sister and brother in law.  He is a radiologist and moved to Cali recenty.  So there they have this area with small rocks that kids can climb:

In Cali Priya dancing on a chair:

Priya Dancing to Music:

Priya Eating Ice Cream:

Priya Eating Idli:

Priya Eating Lollipop:

Priya Fascinated By A Vacuum cleaner.  We got her a small vacuum so that she can help her mom:

Priya Hanging With her Car.  Vasant bought her this electric car and she plays with it all the time:

Priya in Rocking Chair:

Priya Playing at Library:

Priya Playing in Her Playroom:

Priya playing with her 1st Birthday Games:

Priya playing with her 1st Birthday Games 2:

Priya With Her New Purse.  She used to love to grab purses and play with them, so I bought her a Burberry Purse, so that she had a smaller one she could actually carry:

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

New Beginnings

So it will be a new beginning for me from Jan 1st onwards.

I had the thrill of running a successful company and growing something from nothing into a successful company that was able to help thousands of people find a career.

It will be melancholy to not deal with my employees on a daily basis, that is what I will miss the most.

I tried to be fair in everything I did.  I did the best I could.  Thank you, to all my staff and employees.  I had a lot of fun and my share of heartache but overall it was awesome.

I will keep you guys updated as to the weight loss and how it is going with the travel.

I have a lot of assets and stuff and today the new Blackberry Classic came out and I had to buy that of course.

But in 2015 I was thinking that I was not going to a single discretionary item (Non-Essential).  I wanted to see it feels like to not care of want anything.  So no buying houses, no land, no phones, no laptops etc...

It is is still in the planning stages but I will let you know my decision and how it feels to live like that.

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Priya Pictures and Videos

Priya and Neeta in CA.  This is a place with Rocks like the one Priya is sitting on, where the kids are supposed to climb them:

Just chilling in her play room:

 Priya being silly with her pant on her head: (In CA at her sisters house, they just moved in, hence the new TV on the ground)

Priya at Holi:

Priya Dressed as Krishna:

Priya Dressed as Krishna, Closeup:

Priya Ready for a Party:

Dad holding Mom, oops that's Priya:

Monday, December 15, 2014

Priya - Boundless Energy

Priya is just a ball of energy or I simply have not been around kids enough.  Thank goodness for Sesame Street and Daniel Tiger TV show.  That is only time we can get her to sit quietly for about 30 minutes.

Besides those quiet moments she is a constant whirl of activity.  She wants to run everywhere and will invariably fall.  She keeps climbing the breakfast table and sits on top and eats.  I constantly fear that she will fall and sit her head.

I guess that is simply part of having a child, they do not listen and will do exactly what they want.

We will have to see how my mom handles her during the summer when she will be in India.  My mom is also a bundle of energy, but Priya is going to wear her out. 

I guess this is how we were when we were young, but I simply do not remember that far back.

Friday, December 5, 2014

Girls Are Vindictive

Based on a lot of experiences, I would say that girls are very vindictive.  The more vindictive they are, they less likely they are to make a good wife.

I think one of the defining qualities in a good wife, is the ability to forgive and forget.

I think the older, a girl gets, the less they are able to forgive and forget and the worst a wife they make.  This is probably why older guys marry such young girls, they are simply more forgiving.

I even consider my ex-wife a friend of mine.  I am unsure what she considers me, but I do consider her a friend.

It is only because of her, that I was able to become a success.  She made me step out into the world and prove myself.  My daughter is a direct result of my extra efforts to have a kid.

Every baby bird gets thrown out of the nest and only because I was thrown out was I able to become a success, in the classical sense of the word.

So Priya, when you meet my ex-wife, in case you ever do, be sure to thank her.  You are the direct result of her throwing you dad out of the nest.

This Hurt Me a Lot

I told you I met Nalini at the wedding reception and I asked for her Brother-In-Law's phone number.  He was a pretty close friend of mine, Prasad.  I told you in the previous entry that I owed his friend $5000 and I really wanted to pay it back.  I had no clue as to Dean's or Prasad's last name.  I only got the last name when I was looking through Nalini's friends list and I saw that her sister was still using her ex-husbands last name.  That is when it stuck me, what Prasad's last name was and I searched on Facebook and I found him.  Without that last name there is no way I could have found him.  I then added him as a friend and he accepted and I got his number.

I told him that I have been searching for his contact for a long time and that I wanted, nay, had to, pay back Dean the money I owed him.  He was very happy that I had called him and we had a nice long talk.  I talked to Dean and he was happy to hear from me also.  From what Prasad told me Dean is well off, and probably did not care about the money.  But that was not for me to decide weather he needed the money or not.  I owed it to him and I HAD to pay it back to me.

Sometimes things like this slip your mind after an initial try.  I Goggled Dean and shipping, because I knew he had a shipping company.  Not much.  I Googled Dean and Prasad, but really without a last name it is pretty much impossible to find someone.  So I gave up looking and I forgot about it.  Seeing Nalini gave me the initiative to try again and this time with the last name I was successful.

So today I checked Facebook and I got this message from Nalini:

As you wrote “People do not change. Your opinion of them when you knew them is probably the valid opinion." My intuition about you was correct…you said that I don’t know the new Vijay, but you appear to have not changed at all. After what 10-15 years or longer of not being in touch and asking me for Prasad’s number was transparent. It seems that if you really wanted to pay Dean back, you would have found a way to get in touch with him without my assistance. You were obviously resourceful enough to find his number on your own and leads me to believe that you were trying to find out information that is none of your business concerning my family affairs. Your comments and conclusions that you’ve drawn are inappropriate and strike me as malicious. You’ve shown your true character and you are certainly not someone I would consider as a friend or want to be in my life. Perhaps you are extremely bored and unhappy in life to write about other people in your blog. Please do not bother responding as I am blocking you.

I am guessing that she thinks I am trying to pry into her families life.  I do not care about her family life or what is going on.  I was just excited to meet someone from my past.  Asking for Prasad's number, was exactly what I explained I needed it for.  Nothing more.  It was not trying to pry into your families life.  I have no clue what happened to you all after I left DC and I never once tried to even find out, because I simply had no interest.  

Now I did talk to Prasad and we are getting together in DC on Dec 20-21 along with Dean.  They were excited to meet up and I am very excited to meet them.

I think when you want to read others actions as evil and malicious, you can do that,  if that is what you thought going in, no matter how innocuous an action or a comment might have been.

About the last thing I am in my life is bored.  If you want to use the words: over-worked, over-burdened, stressed, then yes you can substitute any of those words in place of bored.  

As far as writing my blog, it is mostly about me, and hardly about anybody else. Mostly pictures of my daughter and mainly about me.  I write my blog because I enjoy it and I hope my daughter learns from it and can hopefully not make the same mistakes that I made.  I do not think you read many entries.

I was truly excited in seeing friends from my past.  But just by asking for a phone number for an ex-brother-in-law I get a comment from you like the above, it seems to show a high degree of mistrust.  I am unsure what I did to you to get to that level of mistrust.  If you do not consider me a friend, I respect that and will consider all my future actions with those words in mind when and if I have to ever deal with you again.

Thomas Wolf, wrote: "You can never go home again".

Truly things and people change and you cannot recapture the moments from your past.  Really no use in dwelling on the past, it is much better to move ahead.  

Not sure why, but Nalini's comments really hurt me.  When I read them, my heart was racing and I actually felt pain.  If I was someone more emotional, I am sure I would have burst into tears, but lucky for me, I can internalize pain and keep it inside of me and keep a smile on my face.

Prasad and Dean I am excited about meeting up with you guys in DC on Dec 20-21.  I think it would have been more fun in Vegas, but DC is fine too.

Dean - Chance to Fix a Mistake

There are always mistakes you make in your past and it is nice to be able to correct those errors.

I had borrowed $5000 from a friend of a friend of mine.  After a few years I wanted to pay it back but I was never able to get in touch with my friend.

I tried googling him, I tried contacting other friends of his.  Nothing.

I had this on my mind for so long and I really wanted to pay this money back to Dean.

I went to this wedding in DC this weekend and I got hold of his Ex-Wife and her sister and they claimed that they did not know his number.  I was surprised by that.  You do not the phone number for the father of your child?  Weird!  I did not remember my friends last name, but then I checked Facebook and my friends ex-wife is still using his last name.  A Facebook search later and a friend request gets accepted and boom, I got hold of Prasad.  Prasad gave me Dean number and I called him and told him how I owed him money and I wanted to send it to him.

He was, of course, surprised and pleased that somebody had the integrity to want to pay this money back.  Prasad told me that Dean is well off and the money is not a big deal to him.  But like I said, an obligation is an obligation, and when you get a chance to fix a mistake from your past, you jump on it.

So I am sending him the original $5000 today that I owed him and $10,000 towards the interest in a month or so.

I feel like a burden has been lifted off my shoulder with this payment.

I am meeting up with my friends, Prasad and Dean, on Dec 20-21 in DC.  It has been a long time and it will be fun to get together again.   Dean now has 4 kids and Prasad has 2 kids, so I guess our conversations will be much different than the past.

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

28 and 22 Year Old

There is this 28 year old from my past that wants to marry me and I told her no way.  I even had a 22 year old tell me that I was not to old and that she could see her herself with an older man.  I just smiled, it is cute to think about it, but no way. 

Now that I am much older and do not even know how to handle a 28 year old's energy, much less a 22 year old, I am getting offers.  Life is so unfair. 

So let us get this straight.  I would not make a good husband.  I have a million other things going on.  You would come way too low on my schedule to be happy.  I am trying to free up my schedule so that I have more time for my daughter.

 I will give you the same advice that I would to my daughter.  Find someone near you own age or possibly even younger and in super good health.  It almost does not matter what he does for a living as long as he is smart.

At worst send him to me and I will train him for a $100,000 job and have him working in 6 months in a good IT job.

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Kumo in DC

I was getting ready for the trip to travel the world and Kumo is now in DC with the girls.  I am sure that he will get lots of attention there.

Ramakka's house has a big fenced backyard that he can enjoy himself in.  Kumo enjoy yourself buddy in your own backyard. 

Ariel had to put her dog down because of some cancer and I will sure will come over a lot and play with you also.  So you really have 4 girls to take care of you. 

Anisha is planning on taking you to the park and running with you, so good luck with that.  By the time I come back from the trip you will be a lean mean Akita.

Wedding Reception

I went for a wedding reception in DC and I met Nalini there.  After my divorce there was really only 2 girls I though of meeting from my past and one of them was Nalini.

It was nice seeing her, I had no idea that she was coming to the wedding.  It was crazy loud at the wedding and I never really got to talk to her, except for a casual hello.

It is crazy that I did not know her last time.  I knew her for years and never got around to knowing her last name. If I had known her last name I would have definitely gotten in touch with her.  She was one of the truly nice ones from my youth.

It was surprising that hardly any of the kids from my generation came for the wedding only Lakshmi, Lalitha, Kalpana and Nalini were there.  No Suman, No Ramu, No I forgot the rest of the names.  I was happy to see Kalpana's son, Shaunik there.  A lot of the kids that I grew up up, acted a lot more American and distanced themselves from the India side.  I was always more Indian than American.  I love Telugu movies but I love American Football and my Redskins.  I think I am a good mix of both and I am able to mix well with both groups.

Good thing you never married me Nalini, I am a terrible husband.  Good provider, but terrible husband.  I am sure my current wife would agree with me.

Priya Victory

The doctor told us to stop giving Priya milk in her bottle.  So Neeta tried to give milk to her in a cup, a sippy cup, in a tetra pak with a straw.  In each instance she would take a sip realize it was milk and refuse to drink out of it.

So Neeta figured that if we only give it in those containers she would eventually give in and drink her milk.  For 3 days Priya refused to drink milk and finally we are back to giving her milk in her bottle, the way she likes it.


Priya - 1
Neeta - 0

Friday, November 7, 2014

Haloween Videos

Here are Videos from our Halloween Party:

This is the decorations from outside.  You cannot really tell, but those lights on the scrubs are eye balls.:

Decorations Inside the House 1:

Decorations Inside the House 2:

Decorations Inside the House 3:

Guests Just Starting to Arrive:

Witch's Brew Punch:

Siri Cutting her Cake:

Priya In Her Costume:

Priya Playing with Dry Ice 1:

Priya Playing with Dry Ice 2:

Priya Playing with Dry Ice 3:

Halloween Pictures

Here are some Pictures from the Halloween Party

Breakfast Area Decorations.  The Spider on the lights actually lights up and the eyes are red in the dark. 

Kumo dressed up in his costume.  He is a biker dog.

Neeta's good friends, Abhinika from our neighborhood.  She got her whole family to dress up.  She is dressed as a Top Gun Pilot.  They are a fun family and her daughter, Abhika and Priya are best friends.

We celebrated Siri's birthday (Bhavani's Daughter) and here is Priya eating the cake. It was a cute Barbie cake.

Priya's best friend, Abhika.