I was looking at houses to buy in Wash DC and the prices are crazy.
I like the new Toll Brothers House in Leesburg VA. They are about 5000 sqft houses on 3 acres of land. I think I can get it for around $800,000.
Here is the link: http://www.tollbrothers.com/VA/Shenstone_Reserve
I also saw a few houses for 1,200,000 in Herndon VA that are in the Oakton School district and I think I may settle on a house there. Leesburg is a little far, but with the Greenway Tollroad I do not think it will be a big deal.
But compared to Novi MI, the Northern VA area is crazy expensive.
My guess is that I can get somewhere between $600,000 - $700,000 for my current house and the new house will cost me between $800,000 - $1,200,000. Once I move to the DC area, I hope I can get over the sticker shock.