This was a picture of the girls after they finished the climb at Dunn's Falls
Part of the gang climbing the falls.
In gear and ready for ziplining.
A Picture of me with Miami in the background right before the ship left port.
Like I said this was my first cruise. We went to Jamaica and Grand Cayman Islands. My first impression of the cruise was, it was extremely cheap and the entire staff on the cruise ship were extremely friendly.
The feed you breakfast, lunch and dinner on board and they have a midnight buffet and a 24 hour pizza bar.
The dinner was sit down events and one night it was a dress for dinner event where you had to dress in suits for the men and evening wear for the women. Each night of the dinner there was a different dinner event, for instance there was Congo Dancing, and the women dancing or everyone getting up and dancing near the table.
The cruise ship is full of activities and with so much to choose from, you can make yourself as busy as you want or as inactive as you want.
On the very first night they had a stage show in which the cruise ship director Kevin Noonan, everyone just calls him Noonan, came on stage and wanted 3 men and 3 women on stage. I was trying to be as quite as possible and inconspicuous as possible, but I was called up on the stage. I was the first person called up. Basically it was people introducing themselves and Noonan having fun with names and what they did. So there was a very sweet Chinese girl named Vam Pre Ho (Or something like that), so Noonan started called her Vampire Ho. We all started called her Vampire HO, and trust me her name really sounded like Vampire Ho, that was so funny, I guess you had to be there to understand why it was so funny.
Anyway I was the first one on stage but the last one to be called on by Noonan. He asks me who I am here with with and I tell him my wife and 20 other friends. He asks for my wife to come on stage and he asks her if I am romantic, and she says NO! I agreed with that assessment. Then he tells my wife that he is going to make me do something romantic. Then he comes over to me and says that in front of the whole audience I need to say, "I love my Wife as much as BLANK" and I need to fill in the blank and then walk across the stage and then kiss my wife.
He told me to practice the walk and I just started walking across normal and he says No, NO, a romantic walk and asks for one of the other men on stage to show me and one the blank men on stage does that slow gait cool black walk with a low dip on one side. So finally I say, "I love My Wife as much as Kumo" (Nobody had any idea as to wait or who Kumo was), and then I walked across the stage sexually (not really, I think) and dipped my wife and kissed her and the audience exploded with cheers and applause. Then there was a game with a spoon and a string and we were divided into teams of three and we had to take the spoon and drop in the pant legs for men and down the blouses for women. Our group of three won that and they asked us to pull it back and we apparently lost that by a fraction of a second. Either way all the participants got a bottle of wine for coming on stage.
The funny thing was that they kept playing that stage show on the TV's in all the rooms the entire cruise. So everywhere I went, everyone knew me. The passengers knew me, the staff knew me, basically everybody knew me and just called me Vijay the entire cruise.
Here is the video I found on Neeta's Camera:
I also won money in the poker room and I won the blackjack tournament on the ship. The blackjack tournament was fun. You had to have one of the top 7 scores high scores among about 80-100 people that took part. Then the top 7 sat down and played 7 hands of Blackjack and the top score would win. The prize was $500 and a gold ship trophy. It was not the money, but the thrill of competition and I was so nervous. Basically by the 6th hand I was about $100 more than everybody else, and on the last hand I was all in but that $100 and I got a 20 on the last hand and I won. Yeah, that was thrilling for sure! There was a big group behind all the players cheering or groaning based on who they were cheering for, very exciting.