Vasant, my roommate from India called and had been bugging me about coming to PEMA Wellness since he had been here and it is owned by his aunt. I really blew him off and our families vacationed in Paris for 2 weeks and Vasant kept telling about PEMA Wellness and finally I made a decision to just leave everything and go. I am booked to stay here 6 weeks.
I met a few other people and they stay here for 2 weeks and it looks like most guests stay for 1 to 2 weeks to tune their body back into shape.
So here I am day 2 completed of PEMA Wellness and I wanted to share with you my experience so others can use this information to get healthier.
Here is PEMA Wellness website:
My first impressions:
It is beautiful. They really went all out. If I had money, this is the kind of place that I would build. The details are just amazing. They have a Koi Pond where some of the fish cost $50,000 per fish. Really this place is just spectacular. It sits on top of hill all by itself overlooking the ocean.
It is still under construction and I feel they made a mistake by using a cement finish on the structure, at least on the outside. Even when it is fully finished it will look like it is under construction because of the finish. I am sure the finish gives it a zero maintenance, but having a few colors on the outside would make this place just stand out and it would be even more beautiful.
First Day:
On the first day they weigh you and and give you a BMI and what an ideal BMI should be for your height.
Mine was 48 and I should be 24 and weighed: 142.85 Kilos or 314 Pounds. I will keep everyone updated on what the loss is as I stay for 6 weeks on my first trip. They do weigh you everyday, but I do not see much use in that since there will be a quick weight loss and then a plateau and then you will lose weight very slowly. On day 2 there was a 1KG or 2.2 pound weightloss, but that could due to so many variations and do not take that as a true weight loss. I think weekly assessments are just fine to judge the progress.
One more thing, every meal has been fantastic and even the service and presentation are top notch. I am usually very critical on these type of things, but just excellent. the CEO of Landmark and Lifestyle, Vipin Sethi, was here with his group for about 2 weeks and he must have traveled and went to he best places and even his group was raving about the excellent food and the presentation. They said during the 2 weeks there were here, not a single meal was repeated.
Above is Day 1 Lunch
One of the Juices, to the side is infused water. Everyday is a new type of infused water. Day 1 was apple and Cinnamon and Day 2 was Coriander Seeds.
Day 2 Lunch
Day 1 Dinner
Juice, usually given at 2pm. I heard I am not getting anymore juices and they will switch me to fruit instead, since I am Diabetic
View from the Dining room.
I just got a 5am wake up call so I have to go now, but I will take more pictures and write more later today. I also get a message that everybody wants to see the food picture along with the slip and I will start taking those pictures from now on.