I had taken Neeta and the kids on a tour of DC last night. We started at the Capital, then the Smithsonian area and the Mall, then we went by Jefferson Memorial, and then we stopped at the FDR memorial. The tour guide did a great explanation of this monument. It is very appropriate in this time of high unemployment to visit this memorial and remember what took us out of the depression and all the great work that FDR got done during his watch as a president.
Then we went to the MLK memorial and that was nice. I guess the quote that I remember the most from his memorial was, "Darkness cannot defeat darkness, only Love can defeat darkness."
It sounds so nice to hear, but does this really apply in our current times? Maybe to some situations, but not against Al Qaeda, if we showed them love and compassion, I think they would see it as a sign of weakness.
Then we went to Korean Memorial, the Lincoln and then the Vietnam Memorial.
Then we went to get back on the Party Bus, and the Bus was dead. Yes, the battery was dead and we took Taxi's to the dinner at BLT Steak. By the time we got to BLT, the party bus driver said that the Bus was OK, and to call him and he would pick us up to go home.
OK, here is where I think that I have the taste of poor village boy. We were at this fancy steak place, and they gave this fancy bread, and dried meats, and some liver paste. I know that all these are all fancy foods and I am supposed to enjoy them, but to tell you the truth, YUCK! I was thinking how nice it would be if I could a few punugulu instead. Then we ordered dinner, I ordered a 28 day aged steak. It was nice, I ate half, and left the other half for my dog. Got back on the bus and went to dessert at, Krispy Kreme, we got HOT doughnuts as they came off the line and that was nice.
Got back home and then ate rice and pickle.
OK, I admit it, I am man of simple village boy tastes. Money is wasted on someone like me. I enjoy a simple Telugu movie, a simple Indian dinner and a nice Hot Doughnut.
Ok, that was the trip. I learned a little history and I learned that making money still does not change your taste buds. I am who I am, I will never be this suit wearing, fancy dinner type of person.
Saturday, November 26, 2011
Cough Gone
I am happy to report that the cough has almost disappeared. I cough once or twice and that is all. This is due to the new medication that Dr. Farra has started me on, the prednisolone, but does this mean that I have/had sarcoidosis?
Not sure, but I am happy that the cough is gone. Not sure if this means I am cured or what happens going forward, but take one blessing at a time I guess.
Not sure, but I am happy that the cough is gone. Not sure if this means I am cured or what happens going forward, but take one blessing at a time I guess.
Friday, November 25, 2011
Neeta DC Complaint
Neeta always complains that I never show her DC and all I want to do it to hang with the kids and either play Uno or go out to movies and dinner with them.
So this evening as a surprise I have arranged a party bus and a professional tour guide for all of us. We will be visiting all the monuments lit up at night and the tour guide will give us the history behind them. Once we finish this we are going out to dinner at a nice restaurant in DC and then back home.
I hope it works out and we all have fun with a little education and then a nice night out. Do you think I should add more to this trip?
Everyone was free tonight so I think this will be a nice surprise for everyone. The bus will be here at 6:30PM, so I better go and get ready and try to get everyone else ready also.
So this evening as a surprise I have arranged a party bus and a professional tour guide for all of us. We will be visiting all the monuments lit up at night and the tour guide will give us the history behind them. Once we finish this we are going out to dinner at a nice restaurant in DC and then back home.
I hope it works out and we all have fun with a little education and then a nice night out. Do you think I should add more to this trip?
Everyone was free tonight so I think this will be a nice surprise for everyone. The bus will be here at 6:30PM, so I better go and get ready and try to get everyone else ready also.
We Were So Poor Stories
I was telling my cousin sisters kids we were so poor stories. I swear to you each and every story is absolutely true:
1) The parents had beds but all the kids slept on the ground on mattresses. We all used to wear sandals and we would get callouses on our feet. At night mice would come and eat just the callouses of the feet and we would not feel anything. Crazy huh, and I swear to you that this is true. I know the kids will say, no way, but it is true. The mice would only eat the callouses off the feet.
2) We did not have a refrigerator
3) We did not have a car
4) We did not have our own bedrooms, and the boys would sleep on the roof of the house. Mainly because you would hope for a breeze so that you could fall asleep.
5) We did not have hot water heaters.
6) We did not have washing machines. Instead we had a rock. We would rub this blue clothes soap called Rin and then beat the clothes on the rock and then rinse and dry. That was our washing machine. We each did our own washing.
7) Of course no Dryer, we had to hang the clothes out to dry.
8) We used to ride one bicycle to the move theater so that we could save on parking. Venu would sit on the handle bar or the back on the storage rack.
Yes these were some of the things that we did not have, but we never felt poor or that we needed or wanted more, we grew up just fine and felt comfortable and happy with what we had.
1) The parents had beds but all the kids slept on the ground on mattresses. We all used to wear sandals and we would get callouses on our feet. At night mice would come and eat just the callouses of the feet and we would not feel anything. Crazy huh, and I swear to you that this is true. I know the kids will say, no way, but it is true. The mice would only eat the callouses off the feet.
2) We did not have a refrigerator
3) We did not have a car
4) We did not have our own bedrooms, and the boys would sleep on the roof of the house. Mainly because you would hope for a breeze so that you could fall asleep.
5) We did not have hot water heaters.
6) We did not have washing machines. Instead we had a rock. We would rub this blue clothes soap called Rin and then beat the clothes on the rock and then rinse and dry. That was our washing machine. We each did our own washing.
7) Of course no Dryer, we had to hang the clothes out to dry.
8) We used to ride one bicycle to the move theater so that we could save on parking. Venu would sit on the handle bar or the back on the storage rack.
Yes these were some of the things that we did not have, but we never felt poor or that we needed or wanted more, we grew up just fine and felt comfortable and happy with what we had.
Thursday, November 24, 2011
I would like to thank a whole bunch of people who over the last year have made me very successful and helped me a lot and this is in order of helpfulness.
To all of you below thank you so much for everything and all the help you have given to me:
Venkat (This is not his real name, but he knows who he is)
My Consultants - There are too many to name
Maneesha and Upendra
Sampath and Anu
My Teachers
There are a few other people that I would like to mention but I cannot, but thank you also, and you guys know who you are.
There is no way I would be successful this year without the help of everyone on my list and I am extremely grateful for my association with all of you. You all have helped me and I hope to be of help to all of you in the coming year and beyond.
To all of you below thank you so much for everything and all the help you have given to me:
Venkat (This is not his real name, but he knows who he is)
My Consultants - There are too many to name
Maneesha and Upendra
Sampath and Anu
My Teachers
There are a few other people that I would like to mention but I cannot, but thank you also, and you guys know who you are.
There is no way I would be successful this year without the help of everyone on my list and I am extremely grateful for my association with all of you. You all have helped me and I hope to be of help to all of you in the coming year and beyond.
I started for DC on Monday morning. I stopped for lunch at my sisters house and we ate spaghetti with garlic bread. It was very good.
My sisters son was home, and this was his first trip home after he started working for me. He had taken his mother and father out to Red Lobster, that was nice.
This kid when he was looking for his first job used to tell me that all he needed to be comfortable was $30,000 a year. I pay him and $56,000 and next year he will make around $80,000-$100,000 based on his bill rate, and he now says that even $100,000 is too little. He says that the minimum he now needs to live comfortable is $200,000. This is after just 4 months of working, it is crazy how someone's prospective changes after they start paying their own bills.
I found the whole conversation very interesting and I agree with him, $100,000 nowadays is not a tremendous amount of money after taxes.
We are now in Wash DC, having fun. We will leave back to Detroit on Sunday.
My sisters son was home, and this was his first trip home after he started working for me. He had taken his mother and father out to Red Lobster, that was nice.
This kid when he was looking for his first job used to tell me that all he needed to be comfortable was $30,000 a year. I pay him and $56,000 and next year he will make around $80,000-$100,000 based on his bill rate, and he now says that even $100,000 is too little. He says that the minimum he now needs to live comfortable is $200,000. This is after just 4 months of working, it is crazy how someone's prospective changes after they start paying their own bills.
I found the whole conversation very interesting and I agree with him, $100,000 nowadays is not a tremendous amount of money after taxes.
We are now in Wash DC, having fun. We will leave back to Detroit on Sunday.
Girls Names For Card Players
I have told you guys before that we play cards and Naveen is probably our best player in our group. We have weak players, strong players, and average players. Then we have a few players that do unscrupulous things to win, like for instance for when Naveen drops his hand, they will ask for him to play their hands.
I consider this cheating, because someone like Naveen who is excellent with numbers, he will remember his cards and drop cards in others hands based on what he has when he dropped. Let me give an example that happened this past weekend. I was sitting next to Naveen and I dropped my hand and Naveen had a dupe of Spade 6, and I told him I was happy I dropped since I needed both of them. Naveen dropped also and Krishnaveni (I refuse to call him by his boy name anymore, since he is acting like a girl) gave him his cards to play. In that hand there was three free cards, a Spade 8, and Diamond 10 and a Jack, I forgot what suite. But the first card that Naveen dropped was the spade 8, and it was most definitely based on what cards he folded and my comment, and as a numbers guy that Naveen is, that was absolutely the correct card to drop. But as a matter of simple fair play, it was cheating, because there was no way he would have dropped that card in a normal situation.
Now I guess I am not supposed to make fun of Krishnaveni, since he is worth hundreds of millions of dollars, but I could care less, he could be worth a billion and I could care less. He is simply cheating and Naveen is helping him cheat each time he plays his hand. I am unsure what pleasure that Krishnaveni gets in letting Naveen play, except for the fact that his hands has a higher percentage chance to win. Since he makes his money in the stock market, this is nothing more than trading on insider information.
Prasad has mentioned it before, but no one seems to listen, and when we insisted on it one night Krishaveni was getting ready to walk away and go home. The money we play for is meaningless to him, but for some reason he still likes to win, since he constantly gives his cards to Naveen to play.
Balaji and Kutambarao used to do this also, but I started calling them by girl names and they finally stopped. I guess I have to get tougher with Krishnaveni and hopefully he will stop playing with insider insider information, and play his own hand.
I consider it cheating and nothing less and worthy of a girl, but not a man. Be a MAN Krishnaveni, and stop pussing out.
(By the way I won that night so do not take this as a lament of someone that lost. I know what is right and wrong and I just wanted to point it out, that is all.)
I consider this cheating, because someone like Naveen who is excellent with numbers, he will remember his cards and drop cards in others hands based on what he has when he dropped. Let me give an example that happened this past weekend. I was sitting next to Naveen and I dropped my hand and Naveen had a dupe of Spade 6, and I told him I was happy I dropped since I needed both of them. Naveen dropped also and Krishnaveni (I refuse to call him by his boy name anymore, since he is acting like a girl) gave him his cards to play. In that hand there was three free cards, a Spade 8, and Diamond 10 and a Jack, I forgot what suite. But the first card that Naveen dropped was the spade 8, and it was most definitely based on what cards he folded and my comment, and as a numbers guy that Naveen is, that was absolutely the correct card to drop. But as a matter of simple fair play, it was cheating, because there was no way he would have dropped that card in a normal situation.
Now I guess I am not supposed to make fun of Krishnaveni, since he is worth hundreds of millions of dollars, but I could care less, he could be worth a billion and I could care less. He is simply cheating and Naveen is helping him cheat each time he plays his hand. I am unsure what pleasure that Krishnaveni gets in letting Naveen play, except for the fact that his hands has a higher percentage chance to win. Since he makes his money in the stock market, this is nothing more than trading on insider information.
Prasad has mentioned it before, but no one seems to listen, and when we insisted on it one night Krishaveni was getting ready to walk away and go home. The money we play for is meaningless to him, but for some reason he still likes to win, since he constantly gives his cards to Naveen to play.
Balaji and Kutambarao used to do this also, but I started calling them by girl names and they finally stopped. I guess I have to get tougher with Krishnaveni and hopefully he will stop playing with insider insider information, and play his own hand.
I consider it cheating and nothing less and worthy of a girl, but not a man. Be a MAN Krishnaveni, and stop pussing out.
(By the way I won that night so do not take this as a lament of someone that lost. I know what is right and wrong and I just wanted to point it out, that is all.)
Sunday, November 20, 2011
Pictures From my Phone
I had gone to a friends party and he had this as a center piece at his kids birthday party. I thought it was so cute. But unfortunately, they had covered the top of the vase with another flower center piece and the fish started dying off after a few hours, because they could not get oxygen.

Kumo Chilling. Got his tongue sticking out like he used to as a little kid.

This was possibly the best seats ever for a Baseball game I have ever gotten. This was for the Detroit Tigers vs The Cubs. We crushed them that day 16 to something.

This was a notice from the Post Office and it says the senders name is: HELL
I was like Whoa, is Hell really sending me a welcome package, I thought I had a little more time before I was welcomed to HELL. It was unusual to say the least, I forgot what it was, but I remember that it was innocuous.

This was an accident at the corner of Haggerty and the Best Buy entrance. I am unsure how this happened, considering how slow everyone drives at that intersection. But I just drove up to this and there were a few people around the accident and no cops yet. I simply cannot fathom how it happened at those slow speeds. For those of you that know this intersection the restaurant at the top of the picture is the On The Border or South of The Border (unsure of the name).

This was the sunset from the sunset jeep drive on the sand dunes.

Kumo Chilling. Got his tongue sticking out like he used to as a little kid.

This was possibly the best seats ever for a Baseball game I have ever gotten. This was for the Detroit Tigers vs The Cubs. We crushed them that day 16 to something.

This was a notice from the Post Office and it says the senders name is: HELL
I was like Whoa, is Hell really sending me a welcome package, I thought I had a little more time before I was welcomed to HELL. It was unusual to say the least, I forgot what it was, but I remember that it was innocuous.

This was an accident at the corner of Haggerty and the Best Buy entrance. I am unsure how this happened, considering how slow everyone drives at that intersection. But I just drove up to this and there were a few people around the accident and no cops yet. I simply cannot fathom how it happened at those slow speeds. For those of you that know this intersection the restaurant at the top of the picture is the On The Border or South of The Border (unsure of the name).

This was the sunset from the sunset jeep drive on the sand dunes.

Friday, November 18, 2011
Surprise Visit to DC
We are going to DC on Monday or Sunday for 1 week. We have not told Ramakka or the kids, I thought that we would surprise them for Thanksgiving.
We are taking Kumo with us, he always enjoys his vacation to DC with the girls.
We are taking Kumo with us, he always enjoys his vacation to DC with the girls.
Thursday, November 17, 2011
New Pulmonologist on my Case in MI
I have a new Pulmonologist in MI that is going to coordinate my care along with the doctor in McAllen. We now have Dr. Farra.
I like his approach to treatment. He immediately increased by dosage on Advair, and he wants to start low dosage Prednisolone for 6 days to see if there is any symptomatic relief. I do like the fact that he is being aggressive and trying something and not waiting another 4 weeks like the doctors in McAllen were doing.
I like his approach to treatment. He immediately increased by dosage on Advair, and he wants to start low dosage Prednisolone for 6 days to see if there is any symptomatic relief. I do like the fact that he is being aggressive and trying something and not waiting another 4 weeks like the doctors in McAllen were doing.
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
This is a video of the Silver Lake MI trip where I got sick and a little bit of what the sands dunes is all about:
This is a video of the fireworks from Downtown Detroit. We are standing right in front of the GM building.
This is a video of Kumo and I playing the backyard. Shrekar is blowing bubbles at Kumo.
Kumo enjoying a car ride
Kumo's cousins slipped a bunny under his collar. He tried for a little to get it out, but he gave up very quickly.
We had snow in April of 2011. This was a week before Easter.
These are the lions at MGM Grand. They bring a new group of lions each day and the trainers will play with them and the lions will generally chill and relax.
This is a video of the fireworks from Downtown Detroit. We are standing right in front of the GM building.
This is a video of Kumo and I playing the backyard. Shrekar is blowing bubbles at Kumo.
Kumo enjoying a car ride
Kumo's cousins slipped a bunny under his collar. He tried for a little to get it out, but he gave up very quickly.
We had snow in April of 2011. This was a week before Easter.
These are the lions at MGM Grand. They bring a new group of lions each day and the trainers will play with them and the lions will generally chill and relax.
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
I was at a wedding this past weekend in Chicago and this is the latest picture of me along with some family.

This is a tree in our backyard and I found this tree too be a symbol of my life. Most of the time it is just a tree along with all the other other trees, and little bit bigger, but hardly noticeable. But while all the other trees have lost their leaves, this one is burning bright orange and has this great flash of beauty and a love of life. But you know ultimately that it has to shut down for the winter, and it will be just another tree. But while it is in this stage of life, it is beautiful.

The trip to Silver Lake MI where I got sick.

This was at the MGM Grand, in Las Vegas. They have a large clear glass cage where they bring a group of lions each day and the lions and their handlers hang out and play and sleep. I could watch them play all day, it is so cute. In the bottom picture there is this tunnel and the cage is clear and you can walk underneath and the lion was sleeping right on that spot.

This was from a helicopter ride from Vegas to the Grand Canyon with my friends and family.

Kumo waiting at the door in Ramakka's house for someone to come home. Everyone has gone off to work or school and here is waiting for his cousins to come home. Kumo hardly barks, but the mailman came to the door to deliver the mail (The mailbox is next to the front door), and Kumo gave this big bark. We got no mail that day. Next day we got the mail and on the mail it was written, "BIG DOG at Door."

We were going to DC and taking KUMO with us in the Escalade and poor fellow did not have too much room to stretch out, so here he is sleeping with his head on the seat. I thought that it was cute.

This is a tree in our backyard and I found this tree too be a symbol of my life. Most of the time it is just a tree along with all the other other trees, and little bit bigger, but hardly noticeable. But while all the other trees have lost their leaves, this one is burning bright orange and has this great flash of beauty and a love of life. But you know ultimately that it has to shut down for the winter, and it will be just another tree. But while it is in this stage of life, it is beautiful.
The trip to Silver Lake MI where I got sick.
This was at the MGM Grand, in Las Vegas. They have a large clear glass cage where they bring a group of lions each day and the lions and their handlers hang out and play and sleep. I could watch them play all day, it is so cute. In the bottom picture there is this tunnel and the cage is clear and you can walk underneath and the lion was sleeping right on that spot.
This was from a helicopter ride from Vegas to the Grand Canyon with my friends and family.
Kumo waiting at the door in Ramakka's house for someone to come home. Everyone has gone off to work or school and here is waiting for his cousins to come home. Kumo hardly barks, but the mailman came to the door to deliver the mail (The mailbox is next to the front door), and Kumo gave this big bark. We got no mail that day. Next day we got the mail and on the mail it was written, "BIG DOG at Door."
We were going to DC and taking KUMO with us in the Escalade and poor fellow did not have too much room to stretch out, so here he is sleeping with his head on the seat. I thought that it was cute.
Latest Medical Info
Got a call today from Dr Kal and he said that he had a consult with Dr. Malouf and they apparently found foreign bodies in all ten pieces of the biopsies that they did. Now they do not think that it is Sarcoidosis that I have. We have to wait for more time for the lab to give us a more definitive answer to what I have.
We thought that they would start me on Prednisolone this week, but we have to wait for a more definite answer now.
Dr Kal said that Dr. Malouf was asked to ask me if I ingested any laced drugs. I laughed. I told you guys before I would consider myself pretty boring as far as lifestyle.
OK, for the doctors out there that think that may know what I have here is the history of what I have again with symptoms and time frame.
Went to Silver Sands MI on vacation and the only hotel that had room was this very low middle class hotel. Got 2 rooms, one for my wife and I and another for Neeta's aunt and uncle. We had come to go on the sand dunes for the sunset ride. So we had a few hours and we all decided to sleep for a few hours. I went into the room and the room had this big floor AC. I leaned down and faced the AC and turned it on, and the blower started immediately and blew into my face.
By evening we went on this sunset dune ride and it was very nice, but by the end of it, I was starting to get cold and had even turned on the heat in the car. I am not sure if I got a mosquito bite or not on that ride, but I cannot swear that I did not get a bite, so we have to assume that I may have been bitten by a mosquito also.
Got back to the hotel, took a shower and we went out to dinner. I was already cold by this time and was literally shaking. Ate a little bit of the crappy food we were served and went back to the hotel room.
I turned the heat on in the room on the same AC unit to full blast and went to bed. Woke up the next morning felt better somewhat from the night before and we drove home.
Within a few days I started coughing.
The cough is:
Shallow, sometimes very deep, no sputum or any other productive elements from the cough. The cough does not exist when I sleep and I do get a good nights sleep.
The cough is controlled by Advir a little bit. I used to cough a lot more, but after I started taking Advir, the cough has definitely reduced. It has not disappeared, but has become a lot better. When you add the Tussionex Pearls to the Advir, the cough is even better controlled.
I started getting a fever by evening each day, very light fever. I would go to work, and come home by 4 PM and I would have a fever and then I would sleep for a few hours and by the time I woke up, the fever would be gone.
I used to work from 7AM to Midnight without any energy issues or feeling tired before I got sick but now that I have this disease I am tired. I wake up at 9AM, walk the dog, sit down and answer emails and phone calls and get to work by Noon. Work for 4 hours and then come home and I am tired. I usually come home and sleep for a few hours. Then I will wake up, answer emails and phone calls, watch a little TV and then get to bed by 9 or 10 PM. I will sleep for at least 10-12 hours and the cycle repeats itself.
Weight Loss:
I lost a lot more weight initially before the cough was controlled. But the weight loss is still continuing, but slower. Over the last 4 months I have lost about 40 pounds. I am currently at 246.
Biopsy Results so far:
All ten pieces of the Biopsy of the lymph nodes have shown foreign bodies. Most of the mediastinal lymph nodes are enlarged a lot.
OK, so that is where we are at. Not sure what I have, but the doctors seem to be curious as to what I have and hopefully we can arrive at a solution soon.
We thought that they would start me on Prednisolone this week, but we have to wait for a more definite answer now.
Dr Kal said that Dr. Malouf was asked to ask me if I ingested any laced drugs. I laughed. I told you guys before I would consider myself pretty boring as far as lifestyle.
OK, for the doctors out there that think that may know what I have here is the history of what I have again with symptoms and time frame.
Went to Silver Sands MI on vacation and the only hotel that had room was this very low middle class hotel. Got 2 rooms, one for my wife and I and another for Neeta's aunt and uncle. We had come to go on the sand dunes for the sunset ride. So we had a few hours and we all decided to sleep for a few hours. I went into the room and the room had this big floor AC. I leaned down and faced the AC and turned it on, and the blower started immediately and blew into my face.
By evening we went on this sunset dune ride and it was very nice, but by the end of it, I was starting to get cold and had even turned on the heat in the car. I am not sure if I got a mosquito bite or not on that ride, but I cannot swear that I did not get a bite, so we have to assume that I may have been bitten by a mosquito also.
Got back to the hotel, took a shower and we went out to dinner. I was already cold by this time and was literally shaking. Ate a little bit of the crappy food we were served and went back to the hotel room.
I turned the heat on in the room on the same AC unit to full blast and went to bed. Woke up the next morning felt better somewhat from the night before and we drove home.
Within a few days I started coughing.
The cough is:
Shallow, sometimes very deep, no sputum or any other productive elements from the cough. The cough does not exist when I sleep and I do get a good nights sleep.
The cough is controlled by Advir a little bit. I used to cough a lot more, but after I started taking Advir, the cough has definitely reduced. It has not disappeared, but has become a lot better. When you add the Tussionex Pearls to the Advir, the cough is even better controlled.
I started getting a fever by evening each day, very light fever. I would go to work, and come home by 4 PM and I would have a fever and then I would sleep for a few hours and by the time I woke up, the fever would be gone.
I used to work from 7AM to Midnight without any energy issues or feeling tired before I got sick but now that I have this disease I am tired. I wake up at 9AM, walk the dog, sit down and answer emails and phone calls and get to work by Noon. Work for 4 hours and then come home and I am tired. I usually come home and sleep for a few hours. Then I will wake up, answer emails and phone calls, watch a little TV and then get to bed by 9 or 10 PM. I will sleep for at least 10-12 hours and the cycle repeats itself.
Weight Loss:
I lost a lot more weight initially before the cough was controlled. But the weight loss is still continuing, but slower. Over the last 4 months I have lost about 40 pounds. I am currently at 246.
Biopsy Results so far:
All ten pieces of the Biopsy of the lymph nodes have shown foreign bodies. Most of the mediastinal lymph nodes are enlarged a lot.
OK, so that is where we are at. Not sure what I have, but the doctors seem to be curious as to what I have and hopefully we can arrive at a solution soon.
Saturday, November 5, 2011
Kumo is Big
Every time I come back, Kumo looks huge. Teddy is a tinny tot compared to Kumo. We love both no matter what our doggies are and how they look, but Kumo is so regal.
I came back after this long trip and he could not handle his excitement. His butt and tail shook for so long and he was so happy. Unbelievable that someone loves you so much and missed you so much.
I will post a video of my little baby in a few days. It is been a long time and he is too cute to not put his video up.
I came back after this long trip and he could not handle his excitement. His butt and tail shook for so long and he was so happy. Unbelievable that someone loves you so much and missed you so much.
I will post a video of my little baby in a few days. It is been a long time and he is too cute to not put his video up.
Preliminary Analysis
The preliminary analysis of the biopsy: (This is what I have heard from different doctors)
1) It does not look cancerous, when we looked at the biopsy
2) Looks like sarcoidosis and we really think this is what it is
3) Gram Negative bacterial positive from a biopsy, might be contamination, but take these antibiotics just is case.
4) Keep taking the advair just in case it is sarcoidosis.
The thinking goes on.
By the way the cough has returned with a vengeance.
1) It does not look cancerous, when we looked at the biopsy
2) Looks like sarcoidosis and we really think this is what it is
3) Gram Negative bacterial positive from a biopsy, might be contamination, but take these antibiotics just is case.
4) Keep taking the advair just in case it is sarcoidosis.
The thinking goes on.
By the way the cough has returned with a vengeance.
I am most definitely an addict. I barely slept the night before, just for 3 hours and then came to Detroit at 6PM and by 8PM was in card game till 6am in the morning.
Jeez. Lost a bunch of money, oh well, I think I was too tired to play and should not have played.
Of course wife in an enabler. She likes watching the games and will come to watch the games.
I guess it not too bad a habit in the end anyway. I only play with an amount I can afford to lose, so it is not a big deal.
Jeez. Lost a bunch of money, oh well, I think I was too tired to play and should not have played.
Of course wife in an enabler. She likes watching the games and will come to watch the games.
I guess it not too bad a habit in the end anyway. I only play with an amount I can afford to lose, so it is not a big deal.
Thursday, November 3, 2011
Leaving McAllen Friday
Leaving McAllen on Friday and I think that this should be the last I see of McAllen.
I will be back at 5:45PM on Friday in time for the card game for Friday evening. Yeah!!
I will be back at 5:45PM on Friday in time for the card game for Friday evening. Yeah!!
AMA - Finally had To Do It
My blood sugar, fasting without any insulin was 202 and they gave me 8 units of insulin. I was under the doctors control as far as food and drink and after lunch the blood sugar was 350. Of course it is going to be 350. I normally take 100 units of Levomir in the morning. The nurse said that they did not have Levomir.
The Hospitalist was refusing to let me leave the hospital since he was afraid of a DVT with my high blood sugar and he wanted an Endocrinologist consult.
My question to the hospitalist is, do you not have a brain? Are you incapable of thinking logically? I think I have little patience for incompetence. How the hell is the blood sugar going to be in control when you are being reactive to a blood sugar after the fact. I just ate a lunch, and you knew exactly how much insulin to give to keep the blood sugar in control and you choose not to do that. Instead you take an blood sugar reading and say, oh no the blood sugar is high. Of course it is high, what steps did you take to make sure that it was in control, none.
Dumb ass.
Anyway I was tired of his incompetence and left AMA (Against Medical Advice). The other 2 doctors said that I can go home, and that was good enough for me.
I was so happy to be home. My legs were actually feeling numb in the hospital. I am sure if I had to stay another day longer I would have gotten sicker.
The Hospitalist was refusing to let me leave the hospital since he was afraid of a DVT with my high blood sugar and he wanted an Endocrinologist consult.
My question to the hospitalist is, do you not have a brain? Are you incapable of thinking logically? I think I have little patience for incompetence. How the hell is the blood sugar going to be in control when you are being reactive to a blood sugar after the fact. I just ate a lunch, and you knew exactly how much insulin to give to keep the blood sugar in control and you choose not to do that. Instead you take an blood sugar reading and say, oh no the blood sugar is high. Of course it is high, what steps did you take to make sure that it was in control, none.
Dumb ass.
Anyway I was tired of his incompetence and left AMA (Against Medical Advice). The other 2 doctors said that I can go home, and that was good enough for me.
I was so happy to be home. My legs were actually feeling numb in the hospital. I am sure if I had to stay another day longer I would have gotten sicker.
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
Still No Discharge
Totally bored out of mind at the hospital. I want to be discharged.
I am drinking and eating without any issues or pain and I am still on an IV. Sometimes I think that the medical profession has no one with common sense in it anymore. They blindly follow protocol and follow what is on the chart.
Everyone knows that I should be discharged and should be sent home. The hospitalist said so, the pulmonologist said so, a staff member from the surgeon said so, so my question is why the hell am I still here.
What an inefficient system. They really need to send me home and fill this bed with someone that is sick.
OK, just figured out what the delay is. The hospitalist apparently called in a consult for an endocrinologist and a hematologist. They are calling him to cancel this so that I can go home.
The IV was annoying, so I stopped it and disconnected it. I feel much better now.
I am drinking and eating without any issues or pain and I am still on an IV. Sometimes I think that the medical profession has no one with common sense in it anymore. They blindly follow protocol and follow what is on the chart.
Everyone knows that I should be discharged and should be sent home. The hospitalist said so, the pulmonologist said so, a staff member from the surgeon said so, so my question is why the hell am I still here.
What an inefficient system. They really need to send me home and fill this bed with someone that is sick.
OK, just figured out what the delay is. The hospitalist apparently called in a consult for an endocrinologist and a hematologist. They are calling him to cancel this so that I can go home.
The IV was annoying, so I stopped it and disconnected it. I feel much better now.
A Call
I got a call about 2 or 3 weeks back on Saturday. I had come back on Friday from McAllen and went into work early Saturday morning.
It was a girls voice (I want to say slightly Mexican accent, but could not confirm it), and the voice said, "You have a wife?"
I said, "what" since the questions was kind of unaccepted and weird.
She said again, "You have a Wife?"
"Yes", I said.
"We need to meet, I have been having an affair with her", she said.
I said, "yeah, yeah"
She said, "So you do not care that your wife is having an affair?"
I hung up the phone at this point. I got a call right back from the same unknown number as the caller ID said.
My immediate thought is that not everyone is unethical and a cheater. The chance that Neeta would cheat on me is ZERO. A big fat ZERO.
My guess is that the call was from someone connected to someone with no morals and feels like everyone else is like that. Well I can guarantee you young lady that there are a lot more people that ethical and good and you unethical people are in the minority.
So whoever you are, you and your friends stay the Whores you are and we will stay ethical and nice.
I forgot to write this up earlier, but I thought that I should mention it.
It was a girls voice (I want to say slightly Mexican accent, but could not confirm it), and the voice said, "You have a wife?"
I said, "what" since the questions was kind of unaccepted and weird.
She said again, "You have a Wife?"
"Yes", I said.
"We need to meet, I have been having an affair with her", she said.
I said, "yeah, yeah"
She said, "So you do not care that your wife is having an affair?"
I hung up the phone at this point. I got a call right back from the same unknown number as the caller ID said.
My immediate thought is that not everyone is unethical and a cheater. The chance that Neeta would cheat on me is ZERO. A big fat ZERO.
My guess is that the call was from someone connected to someone with no morals and feels like everyone else is like that. Well I can guarantee you young lady that there are a lot more people that ethical and good and you unethical people are in the minority.
So whoever you are, you and your friends stay the Whores you are and we will stay ethical and nice.
I forgot to write this up earlier, but I thought that I should mention it.
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
I will retire by the end of 2013. I will be guiding the company with a vision, but I will not work anymore after December 2013.
We should be extremely profitable by then and I think I can hand over the company to younger employees.
There are a lot of places I want to see and travel to and I think that it is about time to start living life.
I love what I do as far as work and I hardly consider it work, but still I think we have to give it a definitive date of when I stop working so that I can do other things that I have always wanted to do.
I am not going to buy stuff anymore, and will instead fill myself with experiences.
We should be extremely profitable by then and I think I can hand over the company to younger employees.
There are a lot of places I want to see and travel to and I think that it is about time to start living life.
I love what I do as far as work and I hardly consider it work, but still I think we have to give it a definitive date of when I stop working so that I can do other things that I have always wanted to do.
I am not going to buy stuff anymore, and will instead fill myself with experiences.
I have been thinking about forgiveness. What does it mean to forgive someone completely. What does it mean when you know that you were 100% correct and still the other person looks you in the eye and lies to you.
Forgiveness I believe comes from deep inside you. It does not matter that the other person lies, cheats, and is a horrible person. When you forgive, you forgive and then move on.
So, yes I have forgiven.
Forgiveness I believe comes from deep inside you. It does not matter that the other person lies, cheats, and is a horrible person. When you forgive, you forgive and then move on.
So, yes I have forgiven.
Surgery Over
The surgery is over and I survived. Yeah!! But what this stay in the hospital has done is show me a few things.
1) My company does not need me - It does fine even when I am away for long periods of time. My staff is more than capable of running my company.
2) You do not want to be in the hospital. I was actually in for a small procedure and what a pain in the ass to be in the hospital. I think it is time to work hard and lose weight and control the diabetes. Otherwise I will likely spend the last few years in a hospital.
3) I hate IV's
Let me tell you what happened from the point I was in my room. I was actually wheeled in the bed itself to Pre-Op. There I hung for a little while and then they wheeled me into the OR. There my bed was put right next to the operating table and then I moved over on to the operating table. Then they took each hand and tied them down on these extenders for hands at about a 35 degree angle. They put warm blankets on me, that was nice, it was so comfy. They put a mask on me and said that I am now breathing oxygen and then the lady said the gas has started and that was the last thing I remember. Next thing you know I woke up in the pre-op again. Hung out there for about 30 minutes and people were screaming next to me, it was rather disconcerting.
Then they wheeled me to my new room, 2106 and they call this a step down, whatever that means. So here I am in the step down.
I also had a Foley Catheter that they removed in the pre-op after the surgery and I have to say that the first time I peed after they removed the Foley was crazy painful.
I was dying of thirst and Sunand came over brought me a diet coke and a few bottles of water and that was a life saver.
Now something odd has developer after the surgery. Remember that I had a cough all the time and that was why I was in surgery to do a biopsy. The cough is now gone, completely. I wonder if this means that the enlarged Lymph Nodes were touching the Phrenic nerve or something to that effect and causing the cough. Anyway an interesting development.
1) My company does not need me - It does fine even when I am away for long periods of time. My staff is more than capable of running my company.
2) You do not want to be in the hospital. I was actually in for a small procedure and what a pain in the ass to be in the hospital. I think it is time to work hard and lose weight and control the diabetes. Otherwise I will likely spend the last few years in a hospital.
3) I hate IV's
Let me tell you what happened from the point I was in my room. I was actually wheeled in the bed itself to Pre-Op. There I hung for a little while and then they wheeled me into the OR. There my bed was put right next to the operating table and then I moved over on to the operating table. Then they took each hand and tied them down on these extenders for hands at about a 35 degree angle. They put warm blankets on me, that was nice, it was so comfy. They put a mask on me and said that I am now breathing oxygen and then the lady said the gas has started and that was the last thing I remember. Next thing you know I woke up in the pre-op again. Hung out there for about 30 minutes and people were screaming next to me, it was rather disconcerting.
Then they wheeled me to my new room, 2106 and they call this a step down, whatever that means. So here I am in the step down.
I also had a Foley Catheter that they removed in the pre-op after the surgery and I have to say that the first time I peed after they removed the Foley was crazy painful.
I was dying of thirst and Sunand came over brought me a diet coke and a few bottles of water and that was a life saver.
Now something odd has developer after the surgery. Remember that I had a cough all the time and that was why I was in surgery to do a biopsy. The cough is now gone, completely. I wonder if this means that the enlarged Lymph Nodes were touching the Phrenic nerve or something to that effect and causing the cough. Anyway an interesting development.
Hospitalist Came to do a H&P
A hospitalist came to do a H&P and it was a Telugu dude. He said that he worked at Weslaco before and had been in the valley for 3 years. He said that he knew my ex and told me sorry for what happened to me.
Snake Came For A Visit
I was at an acquaintance house a few days back and a snake came into the house. We were all sitting inside and it slithered inside, like snakes are bound to do, being all sneaky.
The snake was in a corner room hiding and I could hear it hissing. Then we noticed that there was another snake there already. This snake was kind of weird looking and hissed a lot more then the first snake.
My friends went over and started giving it milk. I told them that we should not offer any milk, and told them to get some bats and beat the shit out of them, and that is how to treat snakes. But my friends kept giving more and more milk.
Finally after snakes drank to their hearts content and were full, they slithered away and left. I guess what was important was that no one got hurt by the snakes, and all we lost was a little milk.
Man, I hate snakes.
On a side note the snake came up and started doing that snake dance all happy after getting all that milk, all happy and content, but I noticed that it was still an extremely ugly creature. No matter what that snake does, it is still a snake and will always be an ugly creature.
The snake was in a corner room hiding and I could hear it hissing. Then we noticed that there was another snake there already. This snake was kind of weird looking and hissed a lot more then the first snake.
My friends went over and started giving it milk. I told them that we should not offer any milk, and told them to get some bats and beat the shit out of them, and that is how to treat snakes. But my friends kept giving more and more milk.
Finally after snakes drank to their hearts content and were full, they slithered away and left. I guess what was important was that no one got hurt by the snakes, and all we lost was a little milk.
Man, I hate snakes.
On a side note the snake came up and started doing that snake dance all happy after getting all that milk, all happy and content, but I noticed that it was still an extremely ugly creature. No matter what that snake does, it is still a snake and will always be an ugly creature.
Last Meal
I forgot to tell you guys what my last meals was. So when you go under general anesthesia there is always a chance for death, so I decided to have a last meal. I was allowed to pick anywhere I wanted and I choose.....Church's Chicken. Yes Church's because I wanted to share my last meal with my former dog, Teddy, we got a 20 piece bucket and shared it with my dog and my friends.
10am - Still no surgery
I guess I am a non-emergency case and the surgeon is a busy cardio-thorasic surgeon so I am not sure when the surgery will be. I would guess soon since I have been NPO since 9PM. NPO = Nothing per Oral = Nothing by Mouth.
Checked In
Checked in at Midnight. In room 4106.
They come in put on a bunch of leads and then hang something portable that sends readings to the nurses station. They kept coming in every hour and saying the readings were not coming in and finally they came and shaved me from head to toe.
Then they had me take a shower with some special solution that is for pre-operation liquid to prepare the skin for surgery. Some sort of antiseptic.
Here I am looking like a patient now at 4:13am hairless on the front of my body. I wish they would have done the back so that it looks even. I look weird.
They wanted to put a IV line at midnight and I said no. I said why would you put it in now, when the surgery is in the morning, come in the morning and put it in. The nurse cried saying that she wanted to do it now, but I turned her down.
They come in put on a bunch of leads and then hang something portable that sends readings to the nurses station. They kept coming in every hour and saying the readings were not coming in and finally they came and shaved me from head to toe.
Then they had me take a shower with some special solution that is for pre-operation liquid to prepare the skin for surgery. Some sort of antiseptic.
Here I am looking like a patient now at 4:13am hairless on the front of my body. I wish they would have done the back so that it looks even. I look weird.
They wanted to put a IV line at midnight and I said no. I said why would you put it in now, when the surgery is in the morning, come in the morning and put it in. The nurse cried saying that she wanted to do it now, but I turned her down.
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